Show us why the public should always call a land surveyor

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Follow Survey Earth in a Day

3776798810?profile=original9th Annual Worldwide Celebration of the Land Surveying Practice, Surveying Industry and Surveyor Culture!

Join us on Saturday June 20th, 2020 @ Noon and Occupy a monument or marker and Submit a Point from YOUR LOCATION in representation of Surveyors in your continent, country, state, city or zip code! SURVEYORS ONLY! No Cellphone GPS data accepted. This is a community GNSS /RTK data collection event, exercise and experiment.

Follow This Hub to both participate in Survey Earth in a Day 8 and join the new beta Land Surveyors United Community 

What is Survey Earth in a Day?

Where will You Be on June 20,2020 @Noon?

Survey Earth in a Day 9 is a global surveying event, which is open for any professional land surveyor to participate. Our only requirement is that your measurement is conducted with survey grade GPS equipment at noon on June 20th, from your location. In order to give us a rough idea of where everyone will be participating from, first, double click and find the location where you will be setting up your GPS @noon for Survey Earth in a Day.
In the form that pops up from the map, please tell us the type of location and a short description of what this place is.

@ NOON: Simply take a GPS reading at Noon. This can be at your home, office or jobsite. The goal is to have as many points around the world from as many locations as possible.
All data submitted to Survey Earth in a Day should be in RINEX format. If we all use the same format, it will be easier to post-process the data.
LSU will soon begin Live Q&A sessions with video on the SEIAD Google + Community in preparation of the event.
This will all occur at 12 Noon in all locations across earth.

Survey Earth in a Day Media Kit

Tell Us Where You Will Participate

You need to be a member of Land Surveyors United - Survey Earth to add thoughts!

Join Land Surveyors United - Survey Earth

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  • Land Surveyor

    This is great I wish I could participate in this. I can't find the local hub for Philippines, how can I do this?

  • Land Surveyor

    Re: 2020 Event
    The instructions about how to participate for this year aren't super clear... we love this idea, but we think you'd get more participation and excitement if the instructions were clearer. As it stands today, we can't quite figure out where or how to send our data this Saturday or how/where the data will be used once it's all collected.

    May we suggest you use these easy-to-follow instructions we created?

    HOW TO PARTICIPATE IN THE 9th ANNUAL “Survey Earth in a Day”

    1. BEFORE SATURDAY JUNE 20, 2020, download this Survey Earth in a Day GPS Reading Submission Form (Hyperlink the text to a downloadable form perhaps on your Google Drive associated with the gmail account?)
      IMPORTANT: Save the form somewhere you will find it easily on Saturday, June 20, 2020.


    1. On Saturday, June 20, 2020, precisely at Noon your local time, take a GPS reading from your home, office, or job site. (The goal is to have as many points around the world from as many locations as possible taken at the same local time.)


    1. On Saturday, June 20, 2020, immediately after taking your GPS reading, complete the Survey Earth in a Day GPS Reading Submission Form you downloaded previously.
      ***IMPORTANT: Complete the form with your GPS reading in RINEX data format only.***
      No other form of data will be accepted, ONLY RINEX. Thank you for understanding and complying, as this will make data processing go smoothly and efficiently on our end.


    1. Submit your completed Survey Earth in a Day GPS Reading Submission Form to [email protected].


    1. At __(time)_____ in the _______ time zone, LSU will begin Live Q&A sessions with video on the SEIAD Google + Community in preparation of the event. Here’s how participate in the live Q&A session: _______________________________________________________________________________


    1. The data you collected will be used in this manner: __________________________________


    1. On such-and-such a date, you can view all 9th Annual Survey Earth in a Day data here: ___________________________________________________________.

    Thank you for participating in the 9th Annual Survey Earth in a Day Event!

  • Government Professional

    Hi guys.natalie here in Pretoria, South Africa

    It's past noon here and we have measured our point. When can we upload it?

  • Land Surveyor

    Hello guys. I'm Theophilus from Nigeria. It's great being here. Let's get this started.

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