Follow the Contour Map Generator Hub

Since 2019, farmers, ranchers, land designers and developers have been turning to Verge Permaculture’s Contour Map Generator for quick, affordable and user-friendly maps that can be imported to Google Earth Pro for real-world understanding of a property.

But to design a permaculture farm that makes the most of every sunny slope, valley, and microclimate – or a solar-powered green-building development where water is an asset, not a threat – that takes a whole new level of topographic data...

The solution? The latest expansion of the Contour Map Generator: the Comprehensive Map Bundle!

Follow the Contour Map Generator Hub for updates and special deals for Land Surveyors United Members..

Verge Permaculture Videos

How to Pot Up your Tomatoes
How to Prick Out your Seedlings
5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting My Seedlings
Rob's thoughts about Buying Land with Limited Means #permaculture
Why Growing your own food is so crucial with Ben Falk
How Permaculturists should Balance Work & Permaculture with Ben Falk #permaculture
Buying Land with Limited Means is Possible! - Ben Falk on #permaculture
Opportunities for Landless Folks with Ben Falk #permaculture

Get Contour Map Generator

Contour Map Generator

Learn How to Generate a Map

What is included in Contour Map Generator?

Included in the comprehensive mapping package is:

  •  Elevation: 
    identifies the high and low points
  •  Contours: 
    shows the flow between hills, valleys, ridges and depressions
  •  Hillshade + Colored Hillshade: 
    shows your property map in virtual 3D
  •  Aspect + Parted Aspect: 
    shows North, East, West and/or South facing slopes to identify sunlight exposure, precipitation, temperature variations, microclimate, and soil quality
  •  Slope Angle + Parted Slope Angle: 
    helps determine the best use for each area, from forestry to crops to construction


  •  Slope Direction: 
    shows the flow of water and air, and identifying diurnal warm or cold microclimates)
  •  Local Drainage Network: 
    locates drainage networks and watersheds, indicating where to place swales, ponds, and water harvesting features
  •  Greater Water Catchment: 
    shows the larger scale watershed in which your property is located, including major rivers and tributary networks
  •  Free online training: 
    over two hours of comprehensive training so you can get the most out of your map

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