Follow the Contour Map Generator Hub

Since 2019, farmers, ranchers, land designers and developers have been turning to Verge Permaculture’s Contour Map Generator for quick, affordable and user-friendly maps that can be imported to Google Earth Pro for real-world understanding of a property.

But to design a permaculture farm that makes the most of every sunny slope, valley, and microclimate – or a solar-powered green-building development where water is an asset, not a threat – that takes a whole new level of topographic data...

The solution? The latest expansion of the Contour Map Generator: the Comprehensive Map Bundle!

Follow the Contour Map Generator Hub for updates and special deals for Land Surveyors United Members..

Verge Permaculture Videos

Avery's Abundant Food Forest | Verge Spotlight
Whole Systems Thinking | Verge Spotlight
Mini Regenerative Tour | Verge Spotlight
What is Regenerative Living? | Verge Spotlight
How Aquaponics Work | Verge Spotlight
A Look at BIGH's Biofilter | Verge Spotlight
Watering Plants with Fish Water | Verge Spotlight
How BIGH Sells to Restaurants | Verge Spotlight

Get Contour Map Generator

Contour Map Generator

Learn How to Generate a Map

What is included in Contour Map Generator?

Included in the comprehensive mapping package is:

  •  Elevation: 
    identifies the high and low points
  •  Contours: 
    shows the flow between hills, valleys, ridges and depressions
  •  Hillshade + Colored Hillshade: 
    shows your property map in virtual 3D
  •  Aspect + Parted Aspect: 
    shows North, East, West and/or South facing slopes to identify sunlight exposure, precipitation, temperature variations, microclimate, and soil quality
  •  Slope Angle + Parted Slope Angle: 
    helps determine the best use for each area, from forestry to crops to construction


  •  Slope Direction: 
    shows the flow of water and air, and identifying diurnal warm or cold microclimates)
  •  Local Drainage Network: 
    locates drainage networks and watersheds, indicating where to place swales, ponds, and water harvesting features
  •  Greater Water Catchment: 
    shows the larger scale watershed in which your property is located, including major rivers and tributary networks
  •  Free online training: 
    over two hours of comprehensive training so you can get the most out of your map

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