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Pakistan Land Surveyors Group forum is for land surveying professionals who work in Pakistan.


Pakistan Land Surveyors

Pakistan Land Surveyors is a group for Pakistan Land Surveyors to speak freely and share questions, ideas, answers, photos, video, or anything else related to Land Surveying in Pakistan.

If you are new to the Pakistan Land Surveyors Group, please start by adding a discussion and introducing yourself to the community!

You need to be a member of Land Surveyors United - Survey Earth to add thoughts!

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  • Land Surveyor
    Really I been worked in Pakistan as a surveyor, really I appreciate it's a best place for working, the people, climate, geographic position ....awesome.
  • Land Surveyor

    All Respected Surveyors

    Can anybody tell me that any other country officially ban the RTK Survey in their countryĀ like Pakistan.

    Thanks in advance.

    Muhammad Masood Chaudhery

  • Land Surveyor

    Thank you all!

    The comments here make this group a good example for others. Ā 

    By continuing to discuss important topics regarding legislation that is directly related to land surveying, we can better understand the history and the future of the profession.

    Good job guys!

  • Vendor

    Hi Scott D Warner !

    My reference was "The Surveying and Mapping act 2014"

    introduced and implemented by the Government of Pakistan to regularize the profession of surveying and mapping in Pakistan and to issue licenses to practice it accordingly in Pakistan.

    It is " Survey of Pakistan " that is issuing the professional Certificates/ licences to the surveyors .

    Neither it's a political topic nor ( what I understand) this platform or forum is for...

  • Land Surveyor

    Dear A.W MIR

    I appreciate your views regarding Surveyor Community. My intention is to educate Pakistani Surveyor Community regarding the SURVEY & MAPPING ACT 2014. Which is historical achievement of Surveyor Community in Pakistan? Ā 

    Sorry to say the Mr. Munir and his associates are distributing the certificates of loyalty to Nation. Have you got this certificate from Mr. Munir?

    I think that for all Surveyors need to equal playing field and not need negative practices in Pakistan.

    I proud to be a Pakistani and a professional Surveyor in and out of Pakistan.

    Hope for best.

  • Hi: Scott D.Warner

    Thank you for creating this forum.

    I have come across many people whoĀ are critical of our Profession but the fact is it an honor to be part of the second oldest profession of the World.

    People with love for outdoor life are best suited for this profession.

    This profession provided me very many opportunities to see the World and adventure into some of the remote areas of Arican Jungles and Deserts. On job I travelled a lot in Kenya, Tanzania, Libya, Iran, Nigeria, Indonesia, Oman, Afghanistan andĀ of course Pakistan plus in between may be ten or more other countries of the World.

    My advise to young engineers who want to the see the outdoor life and World, go for the land surveying profession. You will the see the World on company's account.

    Best of luck to all the land surveyors of the World.

  • Land Surveyor

    I am loyal to my nation by default, although I am targeted and victim of state terrorisms and in exile since 2004 ā€“ 14 Ā and still facing problems as in Pakistan. We have no police and Judiciary system to protect common man against corruption and mafias in Punjab (Pakistan).

  • Land Surveyor

    Munir Ahmad Mughal, which act are you speaking of?

  • Vendor

    Act is an act one must respect and not to react if you are loyal to your Nation.

    No more comments !!!

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