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History of Land Surveying USA Group is a place to share Historical Articles, discussions, and trivia related to the history and development of land surveying in The United States

Government Professional

Surveyor and Conveyancer

I have an old tin sign in my collection that states "Surveyor and Conveyancer".  I have assumed all along that the term "Conveyancer" meant that the business handled land transaction closings in some way.  The sign is likely to be from the 1800s and was acquired at an auction here in Pennsylvania.  What I am hoping is that someone here may know whether there was a time when conveying real property was not strictly the domain of attorneys.  My 1970 vintage education always made a point to say…

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Land Surveyor


I thought the history of the World Trade Center Twin Towers layout might be an interesting piece of history. This history was written by my friend, William B.F. Lair, a surveyor of the "first order", written shortly before he died in 1987. The actual control network was established in 1960.  The control network was "tied into" NGS control in both New Jersey and New York, and we quickly realized that the NGS control needed to be "tightened up". The NGS was very cooperative in training and…

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Land Surveyor


I have compiled a few interesting facts about Fences from my research library...I hope they will interest others as much as they interest me.I believe most of today's surveyors think of fences as wire or wooden fences, and are extremely cautious of them  when defining an old property line.In New England, wire fences were not in use prior to the mid 1800's!! The first US Patent for a wire fence was US Patent 10211 granted to William H. Meriweather  of New Braunfels, Texas.  YES, Texas!!When I…

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Surveying History Videos

Using MLRS research map for surface mining activities
Wild Horse Experience (virtual reality)
On the California-Arizona border, BLM takes steps to remove a term offensive to Native Americans
Using Science and Collaboration to Achieve Stream Restoration
Conserving the Heart of the Sagebrush Ecosystem
Grazing for Resilience: How Mesquite Removal is Transforming the Grasslands of New Mexico
Science-driven management in Alaska’s Steese National Conservation Area
Three past officials reflect on the National Landscape Conservation System (Part 2 of 2)

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