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Surveying Company Website Request

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  • Land Surveyor

    Thanks Scott,

    IT would appear grammar is not my stong-point!

    I will fix this issue as soon as I get time. Thank you very much for your input, it is great to get an idea of what people see when they visit.

  • Land Surveyor

    Darren, Nice Website!  Very informative, fast load time, easy to navigate, my only criticism is that if the name of the company is "Noble Consulting Surveyors", then the plurality of the Surveyors is replaced with a single entity (the company name which is one thing, group of surveyors, etc.)  and would be more properly stated as Noble Consulting Surveyors is dedicated to...etc. (rather than NCS are...etc.)  this appears in many locations on the site.  Otherwise, Kudos to you on a job well done. 

  • Land Surveyor

    Hey everyone, I hope you are all well.

    Well, I have just overhauled my Business website, and would really like some comments, suggestions on how to improve it, things like whether the text is informative and interesting, are there enough pictures, is it easy to navigate through?

    If some of you wouldn't mind visiting and leaving your thoughts here, or on the comments page at the site it would be really great.

    My site is Nole Consulting Surveyors and I also have a blog linked to it (where people can leave a comment) NCS Blog

    I would really love some feedback so your thoughts would be much appreciated.

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