Hello all. I'd like to write a laptop/tablet app for linking to my older Topcon GTS-3b gun for storing its serial port data from a job (Hor/Vert angles, distance, etc). Can anyone out there help me with the required message syntax/format, commands, data error checking, etc for the data output of this gun?
Just from playing around with a protocol analyzer I was able to find my gun's serial port was preset to 1200 baud, 7 data bits, 1 stop bit, and even parity. By analyzing the messages output from the gun (by pressing the 'Scan/Rec' button twice) I can figure out several components of the data message based on the mode the gun is in at the time, but I'd like to learn more if someone can help.
Perhaps Topcon wrote a serial interface manual for these guns, but I haven't found one with google searches. A copy of one would be an awesome help. Any help would be appreciated and I'd certainly be happy to share anything I develop.
Thanks all,