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Below you will find the Top 10 Online Surveying Courses for Continuing Education, according to Redvector.

Top 10 Surveying Courses

RedVector - Most Popular Course #1Florida Landscape Architects' Laws, Chapter 481 [V.06]

2 Hours | Only $99.90
Landscape architects licensed in Florida must complete 16 hours of continuing education, at least two of which must be on Florida’s laws affecting the practice of landscape architecture according to Chapter 481, Florida Statutes. This course lets you meet that requirement. It covers Chapter 481.301 to Chapter 481.329, of the Florida Statutes, reviewing common definitions, examinations, experience requirements, license renewals, inactive status, seals and more topics related to landscape architecture. In today's business world, it is easy to become so wrapped up in your everyday work that you forget some of the basic rules and regulations that govern your profession. Review this important information and stay abreast of the rules and codes that govern the landscape architecture profession in the State of Florida.


RedVector - Most Popular Course #2Surveying Fundamentals

2 Hour | Only $53.90
Know exactly what you’re talking about when you shout, “Get off my property!” This introductory course covers the basics of surveying and the basic principles used in land surveying, establishment of property lines, positioning of buildings, roads, pipelines, etc.  Surveying terminology as well as routine calculations and techniques for making field notes are covered in this course.  You will become acquainted with basic surveying terminology and the calculations involved in distance measurements, leveling circuits, and horizontal curves.


RedVector - Most Popular Course # Concrete Fundamentals: An Introduction

2 Hour | Only $53.90
Do you feel like a blockhead when your customers or clients talk about things like water-cement ratio, cement content, and compressive strength? Do you think admixtures and their functions have something to do with commercials? Don’t let concrete leave you stuck – free yourself with this 2-hour course, which will introduce you to the different types of cement, teach you to read a mix design, explain how concrete is placed and finished, and show you the two most common quality control procedures.


RedVector - Most Popular Course #4 BFEs for Approximate Zone A:  Simplified Methods

1 Hours | Only $38.95
This course gives you sources and simplified methods for determining Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) for Approximate Zone A – those areas within a community subject to inundation by a 100-year (or “base”) flood – without letting you drown in the acronyms. The history and minimum requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) for determining BFEs in Approximate Zone A areas is detailed, and the way simplified methods may be used in local floodplain management, elevation certificates, map amendments or revisions, and more is discussed.


RedVector - Most Popular Course #FEMA Letters of Map Amendment/Revision

4 Hours | Only $155.80
This course helps you wade safely through the National Flood Insurance Program's Letter of Map Change Process. A thorough, step by step analysis and description of the Letter of Map Change process is discussed, including the requirements for Letters of Map Revision/Amendment, Conditional Letters of Map Revision/Amendment, and Letters of Map Revision based of Fill Letters of Determination Review (LODR). Take this course to understand and use the data provided in a Flood Insurance Study to make accurate determinations of the flood risk of a property; accurately locate a property on a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) or a Flood Hazard Floodway Boundary Map (FHFB) to determine the restrictions to development on the property; and gain thorough knowledge of Letters of Map Change – including which type should be applied for, how to fill out the forms, and an explanation of the time to be expected for approval and costs.


RedVector - Most Popular Course #2Basics of Water Resources: Groundwater Hydrology

1 Hours | Only $26.95
While 94% of the Earth’s water is contained in the oceans, it is important to note that more than two million cubic miles of fresh water are stored beneath its surface. Groundwater supplies 51% of the US daily drinking water, 37% of agricultural needs, and 99% of drinking water for the rural population of the US. Thus, the integrity of the groundwater supply is of vital importance to us all. From the hydrologic cycle to the nature and character of groundwater as it goes from recharge zones to discharge points, this course illuminates the basic concepts and terminology associated with groundwater in a clear and easy-to-read form.


Wetland Delineation 1: The Basics

2 Hours | Only $53.90
Section 404 of the Clean Water Act authorizes the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, to issue permits for the discharge of dredged or fill material into the waters of the United States, including wetlands. This course provides users with guidelines and methods to determine whether an area is a wetland according to Section 404 of the Act. You’ll find technical guidelines for identifying wetlands and distinguishing them from aquatic habitats and other non-wetlands; methods for applying the technical guidelines, and plenty of useful supporting information.


GIS: The Very Basics

1 Hour | Only $26.95
Specific HVAC system designs and components and their impact on indoor air quality are the timely focus of this interactive course. It also serves as an introductory material for building owners and managers who may be unfamiliar with the terminology and concepts associated with HVAC (heating, ventilating and air conditioning) system design. This course covers types of HVAC systems and components of HVAC systems. It also reviews some important ASHRAE standards and guidelines.


Basic Civil Engineering – Asphalt

1 Hour | Only $38.95
The typical person only thinks about asphalt when it affects them detrimentally: that black stuff folks in hard hats are always playing with, blocking traffic and making lives miserable. But as a Construction professional who works with asphalt, your job is to make sure they never see you. How can you do that? This one hour online course outlines the problems that can arise when working with asphalt and the current solutions, helping you remain as invisible as possible.


Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation - Partial Depth Repair

1 Hours | Only $38.95
Partial depth repair is a concrete pavement restoration technique that corrects localized distress such as spalls, scaling, and popouts in concrete pavements and improves the rideability of jointed concrete pavement. This course recommends procedures for the selection, design, and construction of partial depth repair of Portland cement concrete pavements. Partial-depth repair can be used as a standalone rehabilitation technique, but the Federal Highway Administration recommends its use as part of a comprehensive Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation (CPR) program. Information regarding cost and performance is also included in the course.


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