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What Was Your Most Memorable Surveying Event You Have Attended?

Some folks on the network have been to literally HUNDREDS of exciting surveying related events and conferences over time.  Think about the most fun and memorable event you have ever attended...

What did you see at this event?

Who did you meet at this surveying event?

Did you learn something that changed your surveying career?


Below, lets discuss the most memorable surveying events of all time.  Tell us where these events were and what the subject or reason for gathering was all about.  Who sponsored or attended this event that made it so memorable. Try to remember dates and locations to help other surveyors recall if they attended.  If you have photos from that event, please share those as well.


I'd be willing to bet that some of us attended the exact same events and just didn't even know one another..

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  • Land Surveyor

    I think for me it was a ACSM conference in Florida back 7 or 8 years ago. I had the great fortune to have a private dinner with a number of great Land Surveyors from across the country who were heads of the various organizations that were under the umbrella of the ACSM. It was quite a humbling experience.  

  • My most memorable event was for charity:  about 2 dozen land surveyors/techs donating their time to layout a corn maze (a maise maze) in Green Bay after the corn was planted but before it started growing too tall.  Then they plowed a trail where ever we marked to kill the crops exactly where the trails/maze should go.  Good experience, good people!

  • My helper was crossing a log over a creek in the dead of winter.  Lost his balance and fell in.  All the way in.  Early quit that day.

  • my most memorable survey activity:We were making leveling measurement in desert the tep. which was grater than 40c, we run 5km /10 km forward and back/ no enough water to dring, i was infected wit a bacteria which is called strong loid no aptiyte, l lost 8kg. Friends didn't want to see me, afried me. it was terible. I don't forget through my life time.   
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