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Hello.  I just purchased an old Allegro with Carlson Surv CE version 1.67.  I am trying to sync it with a Leica 703 TCR.   I am using a cable.  The cable is approximately one year old.  I've put in the correct comm settings per Carlson and I'm not having any luck.   I've been on the phone with Carlson tech. and we couldn't get it to work.  Can anyone on here offer any advise?  Thanks.

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  • Land Surveyor


    What error mesages did you see when connecting handheld with Leica?

    • Land Surveyor

      Hello Valery.

      Thanks for your response.

      I don't remember any particular error message.  I'd have to hook it all up again and see.  I would try to take a backsite reading and basically there was no response at all from the instrument.   The Allegro would not trigger any activity whatsoever when connecting, trying to take a measurement, nothing.

  • This is a direct copy from their knowledge base. I know 2.58 is a higher build number...but they kept most all the settings from the 1.67.

    Try to get a hold of Brian Hammer....he's the TS guru. If you do get to him...tell him Rob Rosa said hey. He usually solves my issues in under 5 mins.

    Knowledge Base
    Category: SurvCE / Quick Start Guides / Leica Instruments
    Topic ID: 835
    Title: Leica TC700 Series
    Created: 0000-00-00 Last modified: 0000-00-00
    This is in regards to using the Leica Geosystems TPS 700

    This includes the models below from Leica:

    Set it to the "CR_LF" option {don't use just "CR"}

    ***On the TC700 to access the settings in the instrument:***
    1) Tap the SHIFT key then tap PROG
    2) Tap "3" for ALL SETTINGS
    3) Tap "4" for PC COMMUNICATIONS
    4) Set the defaults as shown below:
    1. Baud --> 19200
    2. Databits --> 8
    3. Parity --> None
    4. Endmrk --> CR/LF {if its on CR hit Arrow Right ->}
    5. Stopbits --> 1
    5) After filling out all the settings tap SET
    6) hit ESC to return to the Measure screen

    ***In SurvCE 2.58 or higher:***
    1) Go into Equip / Total Station
    2) Set the Manufacturer to "Leica TPS Series (Direct)"
    3) Set the Model to "TPS 700/700 Auto"
    4) Tap the Comms tab and set it up for:
    Type: Cable
    Port: Com1
    Baud: 19200 / Data Bits: 8 / Parity: None
    5) Tap the "Settings" tab and select your FS Target and BS Target prism options
    6) Tap the Green Check in the upper right to save your Changes.
    • Land Surveyor

      Hello Rob.

      Thanks for your response.  I've tried those settings and they didn't work.  Is Brian Hammer in the tech. department at Carlson?

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