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Dear LSU,

I am currently participating in an archaeological survey project in Southern Italy and just today we had a stupid problem with our total station. Whilst we were building off the total station, we put the lens in its downside position and locked it, the screw button to fix the lens probably was locked a little too tight and now the button is malfunctioning and we can not get the lens up again, so we are quite stuck. the stupid thing is, that this little malfunction happened before some years ago. Does anyone know how or if we can fix this problem? We are stuck in the field and are far from any big cities for repair or technical support.

thanks so much

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  • GEO Ambassador


    OK TOM, here you go hope this works for you.



    This is showing the knobs, about half way up that are to tight. The flipper being the main adj. knob and the round knob is the fine motion.

    If both the knobs are frozen, make a pencil mark on the silver screw head and the body to make sure you get back to the same place. You may even try this before you take the side off. Turn a 1/4 turn and see if that free it up. if not continue ahead and take a look inside the inst. to see if it is in a bind.

    DSC09974.JPG?width=200side plate has 6  screws, a wire to unplug, and a blue gasket to make sure stays intact and protected.


    Turn counter clockwise 1/4 turn


    DSC09976.JPG?width=250Once you get this far you should be able to release the jam, unless something was torqued down way to tight.  

    DSC09977.JPG?width=250This is just a straight ahead view, close up.

    Make sure the battery is out, if you work it free..try to re-tighten the silver screw back to position, and work the lens to tighten and back to normal. Assemble with care to make the gasket fit properly, and the connection is made.

    maybe this will work until you get back and can have it looked at. 

    Good Luck,

    Skip Farrow







  • Have you tired removing the tanget and resetting it?

  • GEO Ambassador

    did you already see this discussion for SET 030R3 on the Sokkia Support Group?

  • GEO Ambassador

    I know one wizard who will most likely have a solution for you... a fellow member Stan Denison  Try getting in touch with him and your problems will go away!  He's the best in his field!

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