
Nikon DTM-352


Few weeks ago I ask for help about the Nikon TS that I am currently using. To date, I haven't received any comment so I decided to try again. Here is the problem with my Nikon TS.

at the moment I can only measure distances up to 200 metres. Beyond 200 m the signal indicator blinks to say that there is no reflected signal.

Is there anything I can do before sending the instrument across 3000 kms to be repaired. I am working in Fiji and Nikon support says that the nearest qualified Nikon technician is in Australia.

Any suggestion is greatly appreciated


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  • GeoEducator

    Thank you for the manuals and directing me to the right people and the right place to go.

    SurveyEarthinaDay said:

    I have dug up and attached the Nikon DTM 302/352 manuals and specs for you, just in case you didn't have them.  There is one gentleman on the network named Stan Denison that you may want to track down and ask him specifically. He is by far the most knowledgeable equipment technician  I've ever encountered.

    aside from that, in the future I recommend posting the discussion inside the relevant equipment group on the this case, the Nikon group.  That will get you targeted feedback from members who use the same equipment.

  • GeoEducator

    Thanks Dave. I have set the instrument to both, prism and sheet, modes but thank anyway for your concern. I believe it is an EDM problem. The instrument is working fine with angles and can measure distances up to 200 metres. Beyond 200 m, the indicator shows the there is no returning signals. Thank you

    Dave Tlusty said:

    I'm not sure if there are different measuring modes (for like the prism and sheet targets) but it might be in a wrong measuring mode.  Press and hold the MEAS1 button until a menu appears.  The first line of that menu should say "prism".  If it doesn't.  use the arrow keys to change it.  If it does say "prism", I don't know what the problem is.   Good Luck.

  • I'm not sure if there are different measuring modes (for like the prism and sheet targets) but it might be in a wrong measuring mode.  Press and hold the MEAS1 button until a menu appears.  The first line of that menu should say "prism".  If it doesn't.  use the arrow keys to change it.  If it does say "prism", I don't know what the problem is.   Good Luck.

  • Land Surveyor

    I have dug up and attached the Nikon DTM 302/352 manuals and specs for you, just in case you didn't have them.  There is one gentleman on the network named Stan Denison that you may want to track down and ask him specifically. He is by far the most knowledgeable equipment technician  I've ever encountered.

    aside from that, in the future I recommend posting the discussion inside the relevant equipment group on the this case, the Nikon group.  That will get you targeted feedback from members who use the same equipment.

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