Magellan Promark3

Hello. I just got a Magellan Promark3 (2 receiver set) and have used it in a couple of surveys. I am having problems getting all my points 'fixed'. Usually 50% or so end up 'floating'.

Does anybody have experience with this and how might I overcome the problem?


Also, in uploading my surveys to the "GNSS Solutions" and exporting to a DXF looks to be fine and all, but when I import the DXF file into Autocad, the plan view looks to be alright, but scale is way off and when I view the points in 3d or in a different view orientation, the points look to be all in the Z axis, or all stacked on top of each other in a line up and down. It doesn't make any sense.



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  • Sid,
    i have countless hrs of training on the promark 3's i would love to help. my email is [email protected]. it would help if you would post the sequence of your setups, one base and 2 recievers leap frogging or all 3 leap frogging using a cors station. (out of the box, i know but it works)

    are you "holding" your base in ashech solutions when processing? etc. alot of questions but we will get you fixed up

    • Good morning Ty.

      Right off the bat, I've got you confused. Sorry. I have two receivers, one I use as the base, one I use as the rover.

       I set up the base using a tripod, tribrach, Kinimatic bar, Ashtech antenna and one receiver set at 'static' survey mode.

      The rover I have set up on a rover pole, Ashtech antenna and the second receiver set to 'stop and go'. The antenna is initialized on the kinimatic bar and then transfered to the rover pole after the 5 min initialization and then I start moving to my points.  I set the raw data interval to 1 second and data acquisition to 15 seconds.

      Points are recorded by logging for 15 seconds. etc etc.

      The data imported into GNSS Solutions usually comes out approx 50% fixed and 50% floating. I don't know if I should be increasing the 15 second data acquisition to more, or if there is something else I'm missing.

      Any help is appreciated.

      Cheers, Sid

      • Sid,


        How often during your session do you lose "lock" I must say the Promarks "RTK" wasnt the most favorable, but i think i can get you going.


        when you lose "lock" are you re init on a known point collected previously?

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