In the next couple of days you will notice that I have ask one of my friends, and business partners that I have leased equipment through for almost twenty years to be a member. Some of you may already know him, Rodney Blecha, his company is Precision Leasing Inc. I first met Rodney when he was working for and then soon ran the Sokkia Credit Corp., then in just a few years he started PLI and with his help I have been able to help a lot of guys grow there business. I just wanted to mention that Rodney has always had as good of rates as anyone, plus he has been able to customize a plan to work with your business plan. He is very knowledgable and friendly to discuss your specific needs and questions with. So as Justin starts a group called "LEASING EQUIPMENT" Rodney will be there to answer any questions that you may have. I've always said that Rodney doesn't have any fine writting at the bottom of his leases, because he spells out things that are important. For example, FMV stands for Fair Market Value and I've seen leases that determine that when the lease is up, which could be anything. Nothing is left unclear like that with Rodney, it's either 10% or 15% of the original price or a $1.00 purchase option.
So if you have a question don't hesitate to ask Rodney, when business starts to pick back up he could be your best friend that's helps purchase that piece of equipment needed to do your project.
In our LSU PRO Stores, we will be listing equipment that is coming off of lease, or is already available. These items can also be released in most cases, but under a shorter terms due to age and conditions of the lease.
These services are only available in the US, right now. But if your not in the US, you should still educate your self about these options, it may help you find other services available in your area. As you know the world is getting smaller every day, and these services could become global over night.
Hope this will help you in the coming new year.
Rodney's info:
Rodney Blecha (link to his Land Surveyors United profile)
Precision Leasing Inc.
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Here is a link to a Leasing Calculator, provided by Rodney to calculate your price and payments when leasing surveying equipment through ePalmetto