Hey all,
I am trying to use a RFM96W 450-470mhz to talk to a 5800 Trimble rover. I have never had any problems with any other rover from day one, 15 years ago using 4400-4400, 4400-4700, 4700-5700, 5700-5700, whatever work fine. Now I have a 5800 and using 9600baud pacific crest in the survey style (TSC2 V12.47) which is what I have always used, and TT450's at 9600 on the 5800 end, (which is what I have always used with everything else, NO RADIO. Hook up the Trimmark 3 4800 baud it work great. NO PAC CREST. Now dealers tell me these won't work together, but they are trying to sell me a 3000 dollar radio I don't need. I love the 35 watt pac crest in the mountains i cannot be beat. The Trimmark 3 is a power hog that I have to run off a car battery, gel cell can't handle it. The gel cell will run a RFM96W for 3 days! Please, I know there is a genius on this site that has run this gear/setup together! Is there a patch for the modem, upgrade? My 5800 is v2.31 but I also tried v2.34 5800 and it wouldn't talk either! HELP!!!
Hi Johnny, I have the same problem. I have run 4400, 4800 and 4700's with the RFM96w base radio for years.
Recently I purchased a 5800 with 450-470 radio and no way would it communicate with the rfm96w. I am very familiar with radio electronics and even re-flashed the firmware on both radios.
I bought a Trimble HPB450 on ebay which is the same as the Pac Crest PDL base series, It worked instantly with the 5800. From my experience, I don't think Trimble supports the RFM96 any more, a sad thing as it sure is a good radio!
If you need any help on radio stuff, please send me a note or email, Thanks Walter
If someone can tell me that they used a RFM96W with a 5800 and it worked then I may try to get it going. The problem is that they are illegal soon anyways!! Time to move into this century I guess and eat 3000 dollars!!! I have my RFM96W amp on ebay now for sale...
ePalmetto said:
Johnny, I thought I had read a response from you saying that Pacific Crest didn't support the FM96 any more and you were just going to have to purchase a new radio. But i don't see it ...any way, if you haven't yet. I am still pretty certain that your problem is the freqs are not matching. The utility program will tell you...if you have purchased I may be interested in that radio. If not let's check it out, the problem with all of this is Pacific Crest has lost, fired, or sometime with all the older guys that use to take care of these problems. I know that Mario is gone, and i tried to order two cable in janurary on for the FM96 to navcom and it took me 3 to 4 weeks before i got them. Know body was familiar and one took over 2 weeks to make. Just let me know
Yeah Johnny, send me your email to [email protected] , SUBJECT; PaCrest utliity software..and I'll download it to DropBox and send you instructions with an invite. You can retrieve the file from there no problem. Now I got lots of cables, and several Trimble, possibly PaCrest data cables to fit. On the 5800 what is the number of pins, and is it a small or large Fisher connector? I have several files with docs for the FM96 I'll send to you also. Sorry for catching you a few days behind your request but get me your email and I'll get you fixed up.
Skip Farrow
ePalmetto said:
Bob Krohn said:
Do you have pdlconf dealer? you can send to me? asalviano @ gmail.com.
best regards
Thanks e, I will take a look at it. It just doesn't make sense that it works with everything else!
ePalmetto said:
Johnny, here is a copy of the USER GUIDE
Johnny, I'm like you the RFM96W is HOT, just a little less automatic in some ways..like the built in scanner. I have tried to attached my copy of the utility file but it is a .exe, Sounds like maybe your freqs. have different settings. You have to plug them into your laptop and follow the directions to make sure that freq. 1 match in both radios. Did the TX light blink, but the rover didn't receive it? I believe you can download the utility from the pacific crest website, if not I can burn you a copy and send it to you.