I currently use a Topcon GRS-1 which is Dual-frequency but, as it is older, only supports GPS and Glonass.

Would a newer Single-frequency receiver that supports GPS, Glonass, Beidou, Galilleo and SBAS give me better results in the UK?

eg: better chance of fixed solutions under tree canopy or close to buildings.

Do any of you have experience of such a receiver?  (eg: Trimble R1)

A newer Dual-frequency model is beyond my finances at present.

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  • Survey Legend

    Given your current equipment, the Topcon GRS-1, which supports only GPS and Glonass, a newer single-frequency receiver that also supports Beidou, Galileo, and SBAS would indeed offer improvements, especially in challenging environments like under tree canopies or close to buildings. Here’s a more detailed breakdown:

    Benefits of a Multi-Constellation Single-Frequency Receiver:

    1. Increased Satellite Availability: More satellite systems mean more satellites in view, which enhances the ability to maintain a good signal even in obstructed environments.
    2. Improved Accuracy: Combining signals from multiple constellations can improve the overall accuracy and reliability of positioning, even if the receiver is single-frequency.
    3. Better Performance in Difficult Environments: More satellites improve the chances of maintaining a fixed solution under tree canopies or near buildings, where signals can be obstructed or reflected.

    Experience with Receivers like the Trimble R1:

    The Trimble R1 is a GNSS receiver that supports multiple constellations and is known for its portability and ease of use. Although it is a single-frequency receiver, users have reported good performance in various environments. Here are some user insights:

    • Ease of Use: The R1 is lightweight, portable, and can be easily integrated with mobile devices.
    • Accuracy: While not as precise as dual-frequency models, the multi-constellation support significantly improves accuracy compared to older GPS/Glonass-only models.
    • Performance in Challenging Environments: Users have noted better performance under tree canopies and near buildings compared to older dual-frequency GPS/Glonass models, primarily due to the increased number of available satellites.

    Practical Considerations:

    • Software Integration: Ensure that your current software and workflows can integrate smoothly with the new receiver.
    • Cost: The Trimble R1 is relatively affordable compared to newer dual-frequency models, making it a good option within budget constraints.
    • Support and Updates: Check for firmware updates and support from the manufacturer to maximize performance and compatibility with the latest satellite systems.


    Switching to a newer single-frequency receiver like the Trimble R1, which supports multiple GNSS constellations, would likely yield better results in the UK, especially in challenging surveying environments. This upgrade should enhance your ability to achieve fixed solutions more reliably under tree canopies and close to buildings, even if it doesn’t match the performance of more expensive dual-frequency models.

    • Many thanks for your detailed reply.

      I feel better informed now to make a choice.

      Best Regards,  Mike

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