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Conversion to RINEX.

Recently the Trimble conversion program has stopped working. Does anyone have a link to a program, that will convert my files to Rinex? I search a few hours yesterday, but only found junk.

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  •  Hi Mark ,

    You can also used the Trimble Knowledge center, where you can do a search. Trimble also has a page there  where you can ask questions, then later someone will answer them. On problems,trouble shooting etc. or surveying.  It is called Tech Tips. You will find knowledge Center on the same page that Survenator linked you too, look in

    support A-Z, or Get Help or straight to get help, then Knowledge Center. The downloads may fix it.

     good luck,

     Best Regards

  • Survey Legend

    You may have to Just download the latest versions of Convert to RINEX and the Trimble Configuration Utility from the Trimble web site. You have to update this stuff periodically.  Possibility uou might have to uninstall first then reinstall if it doesn't fix the issue at first


    You could try TEQC

    here is a tutorial for how to use TEQC

    Good Luck!

    • Survey Legend

      Found this somewhere and it may help too if you are using windows 10..

       If anyone is having the same problem, I figured it out! Or, at least I figured out one way to make the program work. In Windows 10, you can right click programs and select an option called "troubleshoot compatability." If you check the box that says "this program worked in earlier versions of Windows, but won't install or run now," it will then let you choose from a number of previous Windows versions which may run the program. Windows 7 didn't cut it, but I tried Windows XP and it started right up! Keep in mind that I also had the latest configuration utility installed, which may be necessary..

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