Land Surveyor

One of my CHC X900 receivers suddenly stopped tracking satellites. I tried formatting the memory all to no no avail.   I have also tried resetting the main board, however, after sending command "reset' on the command dialog box I didn't notice any response from the command and on taking the receiver outside it still was not tracking satellites.  Attached is a picture of the last step during the main board resetting.

Can anyone please help me on this.

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  • Land Surveyor

    Hello all...thank you all for your concern and efforts towards solving the issue on my CHC X900 receiver.

    I am happy to announce to you all that i have been able to solve the problem.

    All i needed to do was to connect the receiver with the PDA via cable, put the receiver in RTK mode, then go to receiver settings and reset the receiver, and that is it. The receiver is working perfectly well now.

  • Land Surveyor

    Hi Collins,

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    I replied that email, please check the manual attached. If any question, please feel free to contact us by [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected]

    •  Try this dealer. He is one of the designers and gives 100% satisfied support. I do not think

      there is anyone with more knowledge of these receivers. He is my dealer and has been extremely helpful and educational in all my discussions with him.

      Mark Silver KD7NKY
        iGage Mapping Corporation
        1545 S 1100 E STE 1, Salt Lake City UT 84105

        V +1-801-412-0011 x16  F +1 801-412-0022  C 801-824-3367  skype

        [email protected]  blog:  maillist at

  • Actually, the CHC dealer I bought my BASE from didn't give me much help. It was a different dealer that helped the most & he really wasn't supposed to help me since I didn't buy it from him. Can you guess who I am going to deal with from now on? That sends up a red flag! They buy these things cheap from China but you can't boycott China because everything is made there. The bottom line is some dealers give good support & some buy cheap & sell cheap & support is your problem. The time spent researching a dealer's or companies support policies & track record is time well spent. That is part of what you pay for & something I will never neglect again. The cheapest price is not always the best deal. Does anybody know how to find a CHC repair facility? It is probably somewhere on a computer file with the warranty, if it has one, but I don't recall seeing it. The equipment dealer I use is great but I am not so sure about the CHC distributor.
    • Vendor

      I asked Truman (North American Support Manager who is traveling this week) to reply to this thread. Otherwise you can email him directly at [email protected]. The main [email protected] email address goes to our China office which just got back from a 5 day national holiday and company offsite.

      Please email me off thread on your dealer experiences as our goal is to have only the best dealers in the industry: Lance_Andre at

      If the unit does require service (not common at all) our Service Center is in Dubuque Iowa.

      CHCNAV - Make your work more efficient
      CHCNAV - Make your work more efficient
  • Vendor

    I forwarded the link to this question to [email protected]. The main thing that i can add is:

    Did you set the receiver to "pass through mode" prior to issuing the Novatel Reset command? 

    • Land Surveyor

      I also wrote to [email protected] unfortunately they are yet to reply to my mail.

      Yes i did set  the receiver to "pass through mode" before sending the "reset" command.

  • You probably already know more about your receiver than I do. Mine is a slightly different unit but I think essentially the same. Mine is supposed to start tracking satellites automatically (assuming it is the same model the manual describes, which I have some doubts about). Sometimes I have to restart it several times before it starts tracking. Have you tried contacting your dealer? The only difficulty I had with mine was initial set-up but the CHC dealers seem to be very responsive & ready to help with any problems. Sounds like yours might need to go to the shop. Is it under warranty.
    • Land Surveyor

      Mine used to start tracking satellites automatically but it suddenly stopped.  And I have tried restarting severally all to no avail. I contacted my dealer and the manual that was sent to me did not solve the problem. I have three of these rovers and two is working perfectly well. Mine is not under any warranty.....Thanks for your response

  • Survey Legend

    Check out this manual, which may explain...

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