Show us why the public should always call a land surveyor

Where are you surveying?

Hello LSU.  This is really a great forum.  I'm excited that I found it.  So, briefly, about myself.  I'm a highway engineer, but I've also done a fair bit of survey work.  Did some field work early on in my career, then went inside to design roads, then did some office surveying work with plats, and drawings, and easements, and all that fun stuff.  Then got back out to the field a bit more as a crew chief, then back in the office for more engineering, then... well you get the picture.  Bottom line is, here 18 years or so after I first drove a hub or held a rod I'm finally almost licensed as a surveyor as well as licensed as an engineer.


I passed the PS exam this past April and now I'm taking the state specific exam this October.  I didn't take them together, because I'm an idiot, and didn't realize I had to sign up for them separately... I know, yeah, I'm that guy.


Anyway, in my engineering life, I'm an admin on a board called  It's sole purpose is to help people get ready for the PE exams (and we like to have fun there too with off color jokes and stupid stuff).  But I haven't been able to find much in the way of a similar board for getting ready for the surveying exams.  So, I started one.  feel free to check it out.


Also, I started a group on this site.  Anyway, that's me.  Thanks.

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  • New question posed on  How did you or are you preparing for the fundamentals of surveying exam (FS)?


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  • Hello Ryan,

    I have close to 300 survey exam related questions from "Cole" and "Buckner" for the FS and LS exams written out with question, calculation, illustrations and answers. I lost my website for these and would like to find a new site where they could be utilized.

    Justin, been meaning to talk to you about this.

    Please let me know what format, either soft or hard copy???

    In any event, Rock On


    • My only concern would be copyright infringement but if you have documented permission, then you could post them on surveyorboards as an attachment in PDF format.
      • The questions in the book are copyrighted, I am the author of the answers and the work that went into them. If a million copies of the sample tests and books are out there and you clearly state that these questions are from their respective authors....and I freely share my work...How could there be a problem?

  • Thanks guys.  My first thing I want to figure out is how to customize my profile page.  Mainly, I don't want the horizontal expanded menu items... I want pull downs.  I'll have to spend some time to figure that out I think.

  • GEO Ambassador

    Welcome Aboard Ryan!  We look forward to learning more from what you have to share with us!

  • Land Surveyor
    That is great, welcome aboard. Feel free to post whatever you wish.
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