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GNSS Capability Under Heavy Foliage

GPS L1/L2 position fixing incapability under heavy foliage is a thing of the past with the advent of GPS L5. This is according to GPS/GNSS sales people. With my very limited knowledge in telecommunication, I shall say without any degree of certainty that this is not true.

To my opinion, the only advantage of GNSS over GPS is the speed of position fixing. This is I guess due to greater number of navigation systems and channels supported. Greater number of satellites, channels, and frequencies prov

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Land Survey Field Procedures

Just released - Survey Field Procedures vBook -

In this vBook there are training videos which provide instruction on theproper collection process for most software "field to finish"procedures. There is a searchable feature description library withimages and collection instructions along with information on basic FirstAid. Supporting files for survey controllers are also included. ThisvBook has also been optimized for use on a Mobile device such as a smartphone. Ask us about customizing this vBoo
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Direct IP with the Ashtech ProMark3

As you may know in 2008 I conducted research into developing a portable GNSS solution using the Magellan ( now Ashtech ) ProMark3 with Direct IP.
The full 105 page report is available on request.
Visit our Place a Post section on Global Surveyors
Promote your surveying business or product for FREE and request a copy of the report.
You can view a really short video showing the initialization procedure and how I got a fixed solution at 17km with Single Frequency!!!
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Party Chief

How To: Make LSU a Desktop Application

Your Very Own Land Surveying Desktop
Here is a cool and quick time-saving tip for the surveyor on the run. If you are using Google Chrome (which you should be-hint hint), turn Land Surveyors United into a desktop application in 2 simple steps:

1) Load in your browser and Click on the wrench icon on the top right side of browser, hover over Tools
2) Click the option for Create Application Shortcut and press save and you're done!

land surveyors desktop application

Now all of the Land Surveyors Un
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Party Chief

How To Use RSS on LSU

Surveying FeedsHere's a quick and dirty tutorial for how to use RSS feeds on Land Surveyors United to share discussions with one click. Do you have Gmail? (if not you can do this with any RSS reader). When you're logged into your gmail account, look up in the top left of page and you'll see Reader (you already have it if you have gmail). Google Reader allows you to subscribe to changes and updates on a website without actually visiting the site itself. All you have to do is "subscribe" to a website's feed (RSS
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Party Chief

New Iphone Version of Land Surveyors United

Iphone App for LSUI hope you are all of you hard working surveyors are having a great Labor day weekend! How have I been spending mine? I've been developing an alternative version of Land Surveyors United for iphones and ipads.

Now, when you visit LSU from your iphone or android, you will be automatically be redirected to the Iphone application/ mobile version of the network. I suspect in the up and coming months, this will be a useful feature to the network as many surveyors are beginning to use iphones in the
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christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
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