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I. Introduction

Overview of Land Surveying in Rugged Terrain:12940594053?profile=RESIZE_180x180

Land surveying is a critical practice that involves the precise measurement and mapping of land to define property boundaries, plan construction, and manage land use. It is an ancient profession that has evolved into a highly technical field, integrating traditional methods with cutting-edge technology to achieve remarkable accuracy. At its core, land surveying helps transform natural landscapes into usable, well-planned spaces for hu

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Not a Surveyor

I.  Introduction12936744268?profile=RESIZE_180x180

Overview of U.S. and Soviet Occupations of Korea

The division of Korea following World War II was a significant moment in the geopolitical history of the 20th century, leading to the formation of two distinct states: North Korea and South Korea. For over 30 years, Korea had been a possession of Japan, following its annexation in 1910. Under Japanese colonial rule, Korea experienced substantial changes, including the development of infrastructure, military installations, and reso

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Not a Surveyor

Tools For Tuesday - The Sextant

I. Introduction

Overview of the Sextant12934319284?profile=RESIZE_180x180

The sextant stands as one of the most iconic and enduring tools in the history of navigation and land surveying. Known for its ability to precisely measure the angle between two objects, typically between a celestial body and the horizon, the sextant has played an instrumental role in helping explorers, navigators, and surveyors determine their exact position on the Earth’s surface. Originally designed for maritime navigation, the sextant's contributions e

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Not a Surveyor

The Impact of Land Surveying on the Great Kanto Earthquake of 192

I. Introduction12922866677?profile=RESIZE_180x180

Overview of the Great Kanto Earthquake

On September 1, 1923, Japan experienced one of the most devastating natural disasters in its history: the Great Kanto Earthquake. The earthquake, which registered a magnitude of 7.9, struck the region around noon and wreaked havoc on Tokyo, Yokohama, and the surrounding Kanto region. While it was initially the shaking that caused buildings to collapse, much of the destruction

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Not a Surveyor

Tools For Tuesday: The Clinometer

I. Introduction12914009459?profile=RESIZE_180x180

Overview of the Clinometer

The clinometer is a cornerstone tool in the field of land surveying, renowned for its simplicity, reliability, and versatility. At its core, the clinometer is an instrument designed to measure angles of slope, elevation, or depression relative to gravity. This fundamental capability allows surveyors to determine the inclination or declination of an object or surface, making it indispensable in various surveying tasks where precision is paramount.

The cl

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The circumferentor, commonly referred to as a surveyor's compass, is a historical surveying instrument that played a pivotal role in land surveying for centuries before the advent of modern equipment like total stations and GPS. The use of this tool…
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christopher lucas posted a blog post
I. Introduction
Overview of Land Surveying in Rugged Terrain:
Land surveying is a critical practice that involves the precise measurement and mapping of land to define property boundaries, plan construction, and manage land use. It is an ancient…
Justin Farrow posted a discussion in Continuing Education
Comprehensive Guide to Continuing Education Requirements for Land Surveyors Across the U.S.
Continuing education for land surveyors is essential to maintaining professional competence in a rapidly evolving industry. Each U.S. state imposes different…