Remote sensing is a vital system to acquire information of earth resources and environment. Remotely sensed images comprise of spectral, spatial and temporal resolution. The introduction of High-resolution satellite imagery is projected to reduce cost for medium and small scale topographic mapping. Since high-resolution satellite imagery has a much close-fitting field angle, the projection of images is nearly calculated by parallel rather than central systems. Using high resolution we can extrac
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Happy Birthday Land Surveyors United
9 Years ago today,during the absolute worst of times, my dad and I started Land Surveyors United in order to change the ways that land surveyors communicated, how they found support and the public perception of what a land surveyor does. With just 5 members and a hard drive full of knowledge base documents, we began doing what we believed to be impossible- creating a social support network for professionals who spend 90% of their time outdoors. Today, we ha
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Check out these highlights from Day 1 of this year's awesome event!!!
01:00 - Victor Rasgado, Senior Surveyor at Stantec Consulting Services
12:09 - Heath Huovinen, Land Surveyor at The Independent Hawaii Surveyors
27:05 -…
Moved this from a previous page.
Ok, so you're a professional land surveyor in the state of Arizona and you've of course joined the group. But have you found and 'liked' your professional…