Converts text based eBooks into images. For people without MP3 players with text or eBook support, but can view photos, this will convert a book into a series of images. Native support for Sansa e200, or specify sizes for any player.
What does this mean for the surveyor?
You will now be able to read your help files and manuals for those hard to understand total stations and GPS instruments without having to leave the field.
Here's how you do it (as illustrated above):
1) Go to the software download page at merlinsoftware
2) Unzip and install on hard drive. Find a manual or get started guide you wish to be able to read in the field.
3) Select the option for screen resolution that best fits your data collector. Note: When I first began looking into this, i had Carlson Explorers in mind, but this may work with other TDS, Topcon collectors as well. (please leave a comment below to let us know if it works for you.)
4)I find that selecting the .JPG option works best. Optimize the colors of screen and text to the options that you find comfortable.
5)Convert the format and copy the contents to a folder that you can sync with your data collector the next time you you are transferring files from your computer using Microsoft Activesync.
Try it yourself by converting any pdf in our Hardware Brochures or Surveying manuals pages on LSU.
Wow! Now we can say that PDFs truly are portable!
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Wow! Now we can say that PDFs truly are portable!
Related Links Which May Be Helpful:
Different Types of Ebooks Explained:
nice one!
website has changed just updating this post..great software!