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International Land Surveyors Week 2018Ā (June 17-23) is for Land SurveyorsĀ in any country on earth to celebrate the value of professional land surveyors in society.

International Surveyors Week 2018

This is our 4th year celebrating the surveying profession worldwide on this week and it is slowly changing the industry into a more open and connected situation for surveyors all around the world. Just ask yourself a couple of questions.Ā Ā Have you recently noticed all of the surveying magazines and forum websites pushing the idea

Party Chief

Surveying Equipment Specials End of February

Below are a few special deals bundled for Land Surveyors United members for the end of February from our friends at Superior Surveyor Services in Tampa, Florida.Ā  Ā When you call, be sure to let Stan know that you are a member of Land Surveyors United for these specials..


813-999-8998: Office

813-512-8924: Fax




Superior Surveyor Services can now handle all of your Surveying Supplies needs as well. Just download the form and send it to them for special Land Surveyors United pricing!

Survey Legend
Do We Have any Podcasters in the community? A couple of new features we finished were integrated into the NEW SITE this weekend.
1) A new podcasting system which will allow members to upload and share surveying related radio and podcasts with the community
(leave a comment below if you are a podcaster and would like to help beta test it)...
2) A New Community Awards feature which rewards members for contributions to the community such as uploading photos and videos, helping other mem
Land Surveyor

Most of the GNSS Network RTK projects have been developed by the economical justification that an active geodetic network would reduce the cost of maintaining a traditional geodetic network where the maintenance of the benchmarks and the control survey were a significant part of the ownerĆ­s budget.


A GNSS Network RTK can also be justified where there was no geodetic network to assist the creation and the maintenance of a Spatial Data Infrastructure to support land governance and cadastre operatio

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Party Chief

Share Your Story and Inspire Other Surveyors!



Dear Surveyor,Ā 

As we steadily grow towards 15,000 members worldwide, as a community it is important for us all to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of the community members.Ā  With that said, we'd like to invite you to Share Your Story!Ā  Ā You can either post it by adding a new story postĀ or email it to [email protected] and we will post it on your behalf.Ā  No matter if you are a student of surveying looking for a mentor or a surveyor who has been in the field for years needi


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95 views 6 likes

Channel: Trent Keenan

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christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
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Viju Ponmudiyan is now a member of Land Surveyors United - Surveying Education Community
Feb 5