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McKissock, a leader in continuing education for state-licensed professionals, offers a wide variety of online courses and live webinars for land surveyors in need of continuing education credits for license renewal before the end of the year. McKissock is a trusted resource for state-specific, state-approved land surveying, engineering and home inspection courses, regulation information and compliance.


Here are three timely and informative courses available from McKissock:


Live Webinar: Tracking

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Its all flat and wide open on paper.

I'm working on 8 title lots on the same street,(easy shit) a construction site that sucks, and if i have the time a topo in the middle of nowhere. Yes, my boss wants me in three places at once. Surveying is not the type of job you want to rush but for some unknown reason office guys talk like you're out there playin tiddly winks. All i can say is these assholes must think its all flat and wide open like it is on paper. ITS NOT! So if you are an office tech or an RPLS who doesn't go in the field

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The end of the year is sneaking up and McKissock, a leader in continuing education for state-licensed professionals, is issuing a reminder to home inspectors, land surveyors and professional engineers to renew their licenses. While renewal dates differ by state and association, a large portion of licenses expire at the end of the calendar year. McKissock is a trusted resource for state-specific, state-approved land surveying, engineering and home inspection courses, regulation information and co

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Survey Legend

Mine Your Experience

1198857551?profile=originalI've been thinking a lot lately about sharing a story here on Land Surveyors United so that other land surveyors may learn more from me, because I realize that I have something to share.  I imagine that many of you might be in the same place with this.  Perhaps we have not yet begun to feel the crunch that will be involved when there becomes a scare and our industry is compromised due to fading into other technologies.  So today, I am going to make an attempt by writing a story about writing a s

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By: Budi Madjmoe,

Land and Engineering Surveyors, +62813 9999 7588

Surveying is the smallest part of the science of geodesy, which studies the Earth's surface and

content therein.

Surveying can be defined as the art, technology and science measurements on the surface of the earth. Where the perpetrator (Surveyor) should be able to collect field data, conduct research, analyze and make decisions appropriate to the final target which it is responsible. Also of course

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Land Surveyor

Happy 4,000 LSU!

I would like to extend a personal and heartfelt THANK YOU to all the members of Land Surveyors United who have been a part of this community for many years and who have joined today.  


There are many things I have learned about our profession since I became a member, myself.  1198855791?profile=originalOne of those life-lessons is that if you take the time to share your knowledge with the world, you will be noticed.  I shared my knowledge and I was noticed.  


Is it a coincidence that a man with an education in Anthropolog

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GEO Ambassador

Surveying Will NEVER Die and YOU are the Proof!


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YOUR INDUSTRY NEEDS YOU and so does your community!

October 26th, 2012


Land Surveyors United

Help LSU Grow By Voting Once

Vote for Land Surveyors United SiteThis month I have tried something new in the way of raising money for development on Land Surveyors United. I entered a web design contest, in hopes of winning $2500 which will go towards promotion of Survey Earth in a Day 2.0. You can help this effort with a single click of your mouse. Simply

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McKissock, a leader in continuing education for real estate-related professionals, now has more state-specific, state-approved home inspector courses and land surveyor education. From the McKissock website, they have access to all they need to fulfill state requirements, including governing agency information, and can begin taking required coursework immediately. McKissock offers customizable packages, individual courses and webinars that are easy to access and affordable.


In addition to underst

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Government Professional

How Good Was He!

WCB Wilson was one of Queensland’s early pioneering surveyors. While we have heard of Dixon, Staplyton and Warner, few of us know the exploits of Wilson. In this sesquicentenary of Queensland as a state, I thought it appropriate to add some character to a name that we may only see on a plan. I also explore the accuracy of one of his surveys in terms of ‘following in his footsteps’ when reinstating boundaries created by Wilson almost 150 years ago.
How Good Was He?


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It seems reasonable to think that removing the huge pecan tree east of the ProFlex500 base station antenna would influence the OPUS results.  But my first OPUS report following removal of the tree was included in the current average NAD83(2011) position.  This remains a work in progress.  Over time there will be more OPUS sessions.  Each time I will decide whether to include it in the average or begin again.


The OPUS reports, raw data files, and more photos are available on my projects ftp site.

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Land Surveyor

A Real Land Survey

a real land survey


My client has authorized the release of this material to any interested parties. 


This is an actual situation which I see on a daily basis.


The client contacted me wanting a survey performed on his property. We contracted to survey only Lot 1. This is what we found.


Lot Information

Survey report

6610 Cochran Street. Part of it appears here on the upper right hand corner of the Tax mosaic. Part of i

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Land Surveyor

Chain! "Preferred Land Surveyor"





“Preferred Land Surveyor”


By Pean Cheneying, PLS

This story is fictional and any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidence. 


A repeat client contacted me about a possible purchase of a small commercial site in the center of a suburban city. This client typically purchased commercial properties and then reconditioned them into a profitable businesses. He would then either sell them or retain them depending on the revenue stream and capital gain. We had been able to save him from m

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GEO Ambassador

Friday's Story of the Near Future

It has been an exciting week for Land Surveyors United! We welcomed our 3500th member and there are literally DROVES of new an exciting faces on the network to learn something new from. Be sure to stop in and make some new friends over the weekend.


Land Surveyors University

1198855835?profile=originalWe have been working day and night on getting Land Surveyors University up to speed, revising the Levels and Missions and hope you will take the time to begin your journey to Level Ten. Take a look at this complete breakdow

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Land Surveyor

How wide is a property line?

property line widthHow wide is a property line?  You may be asking yourself "Did he say that out loud"?  Well, Yes I did.  And here are the potential reasons why; see which one you can identify most with, then think about your own reason and add to the list.  I will list the first three (3) and you provide the rest.  First comment should be begin with the number four (4).


  1. It has no width.  It is an abstract line;
  2. It is as wide as the corner markers are;
  3. It's as wide as you and your neighbor agree that it is.
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Land Surveyor

A Problem in the Land Surveying Profession Here is something I wanted to point out about a certain sickness that has swept through our Profession (if not the entire American society) over the course of the last 10 years or so.


1198854862?profile=originalI am embarrassed for our profession but unfortunately nothing I say or do seems to have any effect on it.


This is one of the reasons that I enjoy Land Surveyors United so much. This site seems to be

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Elevations with GPS

The Oklahoma Society of Land Surveyors offers a seminar titled Elevations with GPS on September 8, 2012.  This Saturday seminar will start at 9 and will last until noon.  The presenter is Phil Stevenson.

Oklahoma Society of Land Surveyors

Perhaps we need to rethink the title the next time this comes up because some of what I plan to illustrate is the use of GLONASS with GPS.  Perhaps we should call this Elevations with GNSS.

We will do our best to avoid Greek letters and calculations and focus on m

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Transit of Venus



It is all about Surveyors in the old days and Astronomy to determine the observer's position on earth to view the Transit of Venus like Captain James Cook did in 1769 in Tahiti and the use of modern technology doing the same thing these days using spherical Trig and Geometry for GPS. Also to bring these facts to students at schools to attract them to our career prospects. The Transit won't apper for another 11 years.


Nick de Weger Phone & Fax +61 7 3715 6625 Hm Mob 0413 239 717 Relive the

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Views: 143
Thoughts: 1

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