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Management of road networks and its associated assets is a huge task for all transportation agencies around the world. The traditional ways of collection of data was time consuming and the productivity of the staff was at the best average. With the advent of new technologies like Mobile LiDAR Mapping, the collection, assimilation, analysis, design, construct, maintain and storage of data has become very fast, accurate and cost sensitive This dynamic system of mensuration can be used to acquire h

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Land Surveyor

Top of Google Ranking - Free & Easy

Getting to the Top of Google:

Have you ever wondered how to get to the Top of the Google Search Results for land surveying? Well here's a sure fire way to do it. AND, it's free. All it takes is a little time and a little reading.

I know you've all seen a Google Results page for a search. But, let me explain the 3 major parts to that page:

1. PPC Ads - where you spend money to get top placement. You pay for each click.

2. Google "My Business" - You can create/manage a FREE page for your local b

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Party Chief

This was originally a paper I wrote for my Systems Thinking in Sustainability class which i believe converted nicely into a post.    It discusses the role of the land surveyor and the sustainability expert to society.  The general lack of public awareness about these important roles and how they are similar.  I value your feedback.  


Link to Post on Linkedin Pulse

In Other News

We are officially beginning to accept our first round of beta testers to the New Platform. If you'd like to be a p
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Surviving an election year

Memories from presidential election years in the USA remind me it is a difficult time to be a surveyor.  It seems nobody wants to start a new project until they have a plan for the future.  With the election process up in the air it is hard for most people to predict the future of our national government.

When it was up to me to be sure the company survived our decision was to hunker down and survive the year by chasing projects outside the normal flow of work.  I remember helping to test some ro

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2025 Pacific Rim Geospatial Conference - Day 1 via GeoRadio- All Land Surveyor Podcasts in One

Check out these highlights from Day 1 of this year's awesome event!!!

01:00 - Victor Rasgado, Senior Surveyor at Stantec Consulting Services

12:09 - Heath Huovinen, Land Surveyor at The Independent Hawaii Surveyors   

27:05 -…

21 hours ago
Kiel Bailey is now a member of Land Surveyors United - Surveying Education Community
23 hours ago
Justin Farrow posted a discussion in Arizona Land Surveyors
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Moved this from a previous page.
Ok, so you're a professional land surveyor in the state of Arizona and you've of course joined the group. But have you found and 'liked' your professional…
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The surveyor hub for Alabama Land Surveyors was featured
The surveyor hub for Alabama Land Surveyors was featured
The surveyor hub for Alabama Land Surveyors was featured
Shay O'Sullivan is now a member of Land Surveyors United - Surveying Education Community