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Top of Google Ranking - Free & Easy

Getting to the Top of Google:

Have you ever wondered how to get to the Top of the Google Search Results for land surveying? Well here's a sure fire way to do it. AND, it's free. All it takes is a little time and a little reading.

I know you've all seen a Google Results page for a search. But, let me explain the 3 major parts to that page:

1. PPC Ads - where you spend money to get top placement. You pay for each click.

2. Google "My Business" - You can create/manage a FREE page for your local business. 

3. Organic Search Results - You rank here by doing SEO work on your website & getting backlinks.

Setup Your Free Google MyBusiness Page

So, with that knowledge, it's obvious that the FREE way is also the easiest. You should go to and click on START NOW. Plugin your company name. If it's there then you can "manage" the page by proving your ownership. If it's not there, then Add Your Business.

Use a Local Address

You'll have to have a local address and prove to Google that you're actually there. You do this by having a postcard sent to your business address that will have a Verification Code on it.

Add Pictures, Videos & Reviews

In order for your My Business page to rank, you should add all the pictures you can and maybe even a video or two. Then, send this link to some of your best clients and ask them to give you a review. The more the better. And, don't fake these reviews, please. That's just not fair to others. You won't typically need but a few, but if you make a habit of asking for a review, you'll get there soon enough.

Add Your Hours of Operation

Put your hours of operation in, and a good summary of your business. Remember to think about what you would want your clients to know about you. Here's where you "sell" your business, professionally.

Choose the Right Categories

Make sure you add the categories that relate to your business - like "land surveyor", etc.

If you have multiple offices, it is possible to add them in as well.

This should get you to the top of the Google Search page. If not, give me a call and I may be able to offer some advice.

Blatant Self Promotion:

J. Keith Maxwell is a Civil Engineer and Land Surveyor in Alabama. He spends a lot of time marketing his firm and helping others do the same. Call me at 334-826-9540.

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Land Surveyor

J. Keith Maxwell, PE, PLS, has been practicing surveying since 1974, professionally since 1989. He knows a thing or two because he's seen a thing or two.

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