Party Chief

Introducing America's Building Records

There is a box or drawer full of old plats, blueprints and survey drawings that are collecting dust somewhere at your surveying company.  Why not scan them into a file archive and monetize them?  Imagine being able to sell access to those old surveys, retain the rights and permissions and make money twice with them.  This is exactly what America's Building Records is providing the construction industry- the ability to do just that.  Land Surveyors United recently partnered with ABR and would like to tell you a little bit about this ground breaking service they offer.  It could easily change the way you do business.

 National GIS Dedicated to Preserving Construction Documents

ABR is a National GIS for Building plans, allowing American construction professionals to Store Files, Quickly find files and share access to them for a fee (determined by you). The most important thing to remember is that you remain in full control of the documents.  Each document you upload to their database becomes search engine optimized for the physical address, so when someone comes along looking for the plans, they find your plans, for which they must request access.  You get an email and set the price for access.

Check out some of the Use Cases

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Put Those Old Surveys To Work for Your Company

One of the added values of adding your plans to ABR is their unique features which convert every plan into a webpage with backlinks to your website.  If you have a website for your company, you know just how important those backlinks are for driving traffic to your site. 

If you don't have a company website, let us know.

Make Money with Old Survey Documents

Sign Up for a Free Account from Now Until September

As a Land Surveyors United member, you can gain FREE access to the platform for the next month and a half as a Beta Tester.  You'll get a 60 day trial on any of the enterprise options to try and explore the possibilities. After September there will be an associated membership fee for signing up.  Links to your uploaded documents can easily be placed inside your LSU Profile for even more traffic to your site. Sign up today and get started!

Tell us below what you think about a service such as this.... your thoughts... your reservations... your experience.  We would love to know what you think about ABR.

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Party Chief

Justin Farrow... Creator of Land Surveyors United and Mobile Apps for Land Surveyors

You need to be a member of Land Surveyors United - Surveying Education Community to add thoughts!

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  • Thank you @Survenator! In the event you'd like to discuss the video content and not only, don't hesitate to reach out.

  • Survey Legend

    Nice Video!  

  • Deward Karl,

    Thank you for your reply to Justin's introduction.

    While in the process of engineering our portal, we took your points into consideration as well. The beauty of it is that everybody sees the data exists and who has it. Nobody will be able to download your files without your permission – they can request them directly from you through ABR. This way, you are in full control of the data you hold and comply with past or present confidentiality agreements, codified law, etc.

    I'd love to connect with you via voice one of these days discussing the above, help answer any other questions you may have.

    The National GIS for Building Plans - Construction Document Management, File Sharing, Scanning Serv…
    America's Building Records - The national GIS system for building plans.Store construction drawings, preserve building plans, explore existing buildi…
  • Land Surveyor
    It is a great idea. I have some problems here in Texas and it would probably not work here although I have long advocated for some kind of system similar to this for many years.

    Here in Texas I am required to respect the client's wishes and confidentiality regarding the results of the survey. Currently I seek the written permission of my clients in order to release copies of the survey to 3rd parties in order to comply with that provision of the rules.

    I am libel for the results of the survey for 10 years and currently sell a set of 5 for 150 dollars if my client permits me to sell them. It is in my interest to limit the number of copies out there and I make good money when I have to generate more than I originally contracted to provide.

    All copies I provide must bear my original signature and seal or the required written disclaimer on the signature line (even electronic copies) by law.

    I am highly regulated here and engaging in this activity would take some careful decisions in order to comply with Texas codified law.
  • Great news Keith!

    I see 78 of your files have already made their way into ABR!

    Lots more to go, but a great start!

  • Land Surveyor

    I've already started uploading my files to this service. I plan on putting all of my almost 30 years of files on here.



    J. Keith Maxwell, PE, PLS
    Pro17 Engineering, LLC
    Phone: (334) 826-9540
    Cell: (334) 332-3080

    Huntsville ° Auburn ° Troy ° Oxford ° Birmingham

  • Thank you very much for the introduction.

    We look forward to working with the Land Surveyors United community and help map out as much data as possible.

    Companies that upload data benefit from having their name attached to that address in Google and other search engines, which creates a permanent electronic stamp that says company X worked on ...

    Any questions, visit the America's Building Records website - or contact us. We'd love to hear from you.

    The National GIS for Building Plans - Construction Document Management, File Sharing, Scanning Serv…
    America's Building Records - The national GIS system for building plans.Store construction drawings, preserve building plans, explore existing buildi…
  • Survey Legend

    WOW... that is a novel idea for sure... checking it out now!

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