- Category: Utilities
- Updated:Mar 23, 2010
- Current Version:2.0
- 2.0
- 2.0 MB
- Language:English
- Seller:LBS Wireless Pty Ltd
Field Assets is the ultimate field data collection application for the iPhone and iPod touch. The application enables the user to record the location of assets and to enter information on attributes of assets in the field. The user also has the option of taking geo referenced photos and recording voice memos of assets and their attributes. Data collected can be wirelessly sent from the field in real time or downloaded when back in the office.
Field Assets provides users with a versatile asset management tool. The application enables data collection, mapping, voice recording and photography, all to be carried out using the one device. Field Assets can be utilized in a diverse range of enterprizes from natural resource management to property, utility or infrastructure management.
With the application users can:
* Set up their own unique fields to suit their individual project requirements.
* Verify their location and the location of an asset using the map screen.
* Enter information and record voice notes of assets and their attributes.
* Take geo referenced and date/time stamped photos of assets and their attributes.
* Share asset data between devices using peer to peer connectivity.
* Export their asset data via email, Arc2Earth, Twitter and the inbuilt Field Assets wifi server.
* Email SHP, Google Earth KMZ and CSV files to coworkers and clients.
* Display asset data on Arc2Earth.
* Display asset data on their own inbuilt HTML webpage.
* Download asset data as SHP, XML, SQL and CSV files via the inbuilt Field Assets wifi server.
"Field Assets is an amazing tool for collecting any type of external data. Flexible, inexpensive and easy to use applications running on touch phones and tablets are the future in this area. By connecting this with an Arc2Earth Cloud, real time data in the field can be synchronized with local GIS applications in addition to many other online viewers. In our opinion, it's a really good match and the LBS Wireless team made it easy to accomplish quickly." Brian Flood, Arc2Earth.
Field User Video http://bit.ly/fielddemo
Get Started Video http://bit.ly/fieldassets
* A clever, and innovative app from Down-under is likely the most feature-rich mobile GIS app yet...
" I survey for invasive plants and having the ability to add specific attributes to each asset is awesome."
Plant Hunter
" We collected 2 months of records of 25 weed species over 1,500 miles of roads. The application worked flawlessly!"
R McDonald 4 Site
What's New In Version 2.0
-Export SHP files
-Export Data to Arc2Earth
-Added a Crosshair to Maps for Accurate Pin Placement
-Save Images as Jpeg Files
Talk about complexity, Theodolite overlays real time information about position, altitude, bearing, and horizontal/vertical inclination on the iPhone’s live camera image, like an electronic viewfinder. Uses are endless, from land surveying to navigation, and the app is great for hiking, boating, hunting, golf, sports, sightseeing, and finding your way around. If your big on your outdoors (and you know what everything means in the description above), this app is a must have.
Ever wanted to measure something, but just didn’t have a measure tape handy? There is finally an application that your father will just love (and perhaps take your iPhone without permission – mine just did). Use your iPhone camera to measure distance and height on any object straight from your camera. This application is free for a limited time only.