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Surveying history and Museum

Updating progress on The "The Museum of Measurement and Time"
July 10, 2010:

We are closer to the grand opening. We have acquired a building and are making improvements. We plan to have things ready for opening by October 2010.

The museum will feature Land Surveying and Horology. The collection of surveying equipment and clocks are being prepared for display. Visit our web site for additional details.

Suggestions and comments from the Surveying community are always appreciated. I will post progress

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Views: 129
Thoughts: 5
GEO Ambassador
Got an old manual or equipment quick start guide laying around on your hard drive? Chances are someone on Land Surveyors United could really find that information useful tomorrow or next week. I'm going to show you how to share it with the network in less than one minute.

How To Embed Any Document Type into Land Surveyors United
This requires no knowledge of HTML and can be accomplished in less than 30 seconds
This trick will be enormously useful for all of you surveyors out there who have PDF doc
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Land Surveyor

IPHONE Apps for Land Surveyors

DID I see that some one in the LSU community had an IPHONE App. that was measurement related such as an EDM or it do survey method calculations instead?


The new Land Surveyors United app for iPhone is finally ready for download for free on the iTunes App Store. Enjoy mobile support for land surveying from anywhere using the new and improved interface, connecting you with groups, forums, latest activity, photos and videos. Download Now
NOTE: We will soon be releasing the Android version of

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Not a Typo! I am giving away a FREE land surveyor website to the LSU member who posts the best land surveying field trick to the discussion forum within the next 7 days. The member with the most useful and highest rated field trick will receive a custom Land Surveyors Website, branded to match your company and search engine ready. On July 6th the trick with the most views, comments and shares will take the prize.

What Qualifies as a Trick?
I once saw a surveyor plum a prism rod using a doorway. An
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GEO Ambassador

Portable Notes for the Field

I came across a useful tool for surveyors today called allows you to create notes on anything you like (for example, field notes, equipment setup, coordinates, etc.). Here is an example of one I made as a test:

All you do is go to that URL and erased what i wrote, change the URL at the bottom to anything you like...then you can share it here on LSU if you like or just access it from your cell phone or computer from the field at the URL you
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GEO Ambassador

Land Surveyors United Digest, News and Updates

News and Updates

Greetings Surveyors!
The past couple of weeks have been more active than ever on LSU and I want to fist thank you all for taking time out of your hectic schedules to help one another in the field. It sure makes a difference at work when you know you have support, right? In the spirit of excitement for all of this participation, i redesigned much of the front page and several of the other tool related pages for you. Also, the site wide search on the left hand side of the front page is DYNAMITE a
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GEO Ambassador
Three new land surveying topics have been added to the network forum today. When you view the forum in "Grid Format" you will see them on the left hand side. They are as follows:

We have all seen things while surveying that most people in society would never run across in daily life. Gators, snakes, bears, planes hitting buildings, dogs catching birds...the sky is the limit. Tell us about it!

What do surveyors talk about at work? If
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GEO Ambassador
I've been gradually assembling themed photo albums based on Land Surveyors United submissions. This month we are focusing on "Wildlife Caught While Surveying" and you can see the progress of the album so far. If you have the time, check out these albums and when you run across one that you submitted, simply drop some more information in the comments section so that everyone can get a better idea of what they are looking at, especially LOCATIONS-if you could map the photo, that would be a great h
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GEO Ambassador

With the level of competition that exists for land surveyors and geomatics professionals, being successful as a company owner or working independently requires a combination of technical and creative skills, as well as business skills. Naturally, most land surveyors are more comfortable with the technical and creative aspects and less comfortable with running a business. While you do need to have some capability to run the business, you do not need to be a business guru to be an effective and ef

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GEO Ambassador
Land surveyors on LSU have created something that otherwise has been lost in the industry over time and that is both an International and a National Voice. With all of the recent disconnections and disassociations occurring industry-wide amongst associations and organizations (example NSPS/ACSM), it is important that we maintain this voice at the very least here on LSU. We need to see and read what others are going through in the field and continue to lend community support to our fellow profess
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GEO Ambassador

A Few Google Maps Features Surveyors Can Use

I've been working a lot with online maps lately (ie LSU Member Map) and I came across a few hidden features for Google Maps that all of my land surveying buddies need to know about.

Distance Measurement in Google Maps Labs

How Do I get to Google Maps Labs?
Glad you asked...just go HERE when logged in to your Google or Gmail account.

Here are a Few More Features you may be interested in:

Google Maps Labs features

And for those surveyors out there who use Google Chrome Browser, here is a nice extension called Select to Get Maps which allows you to sele
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Clearly, the economy has impacted Land Surveying everywhere. The 10% unemployment threshold was passed in our industry a while ago. Our rollercoaster can be worse than in some
other fields.

When times are good, the Land Surveying Business can be profitable. Others bring us work. Developers,
contractors, architects, engineers, and lawyers may all require or recommend
Land Surveying Services for their Clients.
Frequently, business gets to us because another authority mandates a
survey by law. In be

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GEO Ambassador
On GeoMessages, you can share your location info as a signature for the messages (email, SMS) right from your phone.
There could be many advantages for a land surveyor to use GeoMessages from the field. Just read what one of their customers said about the application: "This mobile application has one simple but effective feature, it allows you to save a location in Google Maps. So for example, when you park your car you can find your way back to it's exact location. Or, imagine you have checked
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I want to give everyone on LSU an update to my last blog post about helping to keep the University of Maine Surveying Engineering Technology Program funded.

In that blog post I told you that the University of Maine (UMaine) had asked that each of its departments cut their budgets, which could have been catastrophic to the UMaine Survey Engineering Technology (SVT) Program.

I'm happy to report that UMaine has decided not to cut the SVT Program after all. In fact, UMaine has asked that the SVT Progr
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With all of the discussion on the web about how cloud computing will change or is changing the land surveying industry, its hard to not wonder who out there (including myself) might be a complete "Dummy" when it comes to all of this new technology. So with that said, I've been doing some research on "Cloud Computing" and came up with a few great resources I want to share. But first, let me show you "Cloud Computing for Dummies."

Read it here on LSU or download it for later:
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Justin Farrow favorited Justin Farrow's blog post A Surveying Terms
1 hour ago
Justin Farrow commented on Justin Farrow's blog post A Surveying Terms
"Land Surveying Terms which begin with the letter A.
— LAND SURVEYORS UNITED ✊ ɢʟᴏʙᴀʟ sᴜʀᴠᴇʏɪɴɢ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴛʏ (@LandSurveyorsU) July 2, 2024"
2 hours ago
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Land Surveyor Land Surveyor