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Sky-High Innovation: Drones Ushering in a New Era of Land Surveying

The advent of drones, or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), in land surveying represents a transformative shift in the surveying landscape, revolutionizing traditional methods and redefining the boundaries of what's possible in the field. This groundbreaking integration of aerial technology has not only enhanced the efficiency and accuracy of surveying practices but also expanded the scope of surveying applications, opening up new

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Not a Surveyor

The Collapse of South Fork Dam and its Impact on Surveying: Introduction and Background

Historical Setting and Construction Details12626832286?profile=RESIZE_180x180

In the mid-19th century, the burgeoning industrial landscape of America necessitated expansive infrastructure projects, one of which was the construction of the South Fork Dam. Situated 14 miles upstream from Johnstown, Pennsylvania, this dam was initially built in 1840 as part of a comprehensive canal system designed to support the thriving transportation and indus

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Not a Surveyor

The Rotating Laser Level: Revolutionizing Precision in Land Surveying


In the fast-paced, evolving landscape of land surveying, the introduction of the rotating laser level marked a paradigm shift in how professionals approach the measurement and mapping of large areas. This powerful tool, with its ability to project a 360-degree laser beam, has redefined accuracy and efficiency in the field. Let's delve deeper into the world of rotating laser levels, exploring their functionality, history, and

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Not a Surveyor

How Do Surveyors Ensure Accuracy and Reliability in Survey Data for Large-Scale Projects?  We've put together some strategies but we would always love to hear from you - the Surveyors of this Community!

For surveyors working on large-scale projects, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of their data is paramount. These projects, by their very nature, are not only expansive in scope but also complex, involving numerous variables that can affect the outcome. The responsibility of managing and mi

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Not a Surveyor

Building the Brooklyn Bridge: Bridging Cities and Innovating Surveying Practices12557066484?profile=RESIZE_710x

On May 24, 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge gracefully arched over the East River to connect Manhattan and Brooklyn, forever transforming the urban landscape of New York City. Celebrated as an engineering marvel, the Brooklyn Bridge stood as the largest suspension bridge of its era. It not only connected two bustling boroughs but also symbolized the union of traditional craftsmanship and emergent technologies of the late 1

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Not a Surveyor

Tools for Tuesday: The Laser Plummet

The Laser Plummet: Shaping Precision in the Field of Land Surveying12546498475?profile=RESIZE_710x

The advent of the laser plummet in the realm of land surveying marks a significant evolution in the precision and efficiency with which vertical reference points are established. As a cornerstone of modern surveying technology, the laser plummet has effectively transformed traditional methodologies, introducing a level of accuracy previously unattainable with older instruments like the plumb bob. This detailed examination delves

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Not a Surveyor

Mapping Out The Westward American Movement

The signing of the Homestead Act by President Abraham Lincoln on May 20, 1862, marked a pivotal moment in the history of the United States. This landmark legislation catalyzed the extensive development of the American West, offering an unprecedented opportunity for hundreds of thousands of individuals and families to own land and thereby contribute to the nation's expansion and prosperity. Central to the Act’s success and its lasting impact on America’s

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Not a Surveyor

How LiDAR and Hyperspectral Imaging are Transforming Land Surveying:

Land surveying stands as a cornerstone of urban planning, environmental management, and construction, bridging the gap between theoretical designs and real-world applications. Traditionally reliant on physical tools and direct observations, this field has seen transformative advancements with the integration of sophisticated technologies. Among these innovations, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and Hyperspectral Imaging (HS

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Not a Surveyor

John Adams Relocates Federal Government to Washington 


On May 15, 1800, President John Adams issued a significant directive that would forever alter the landscape of American governance—ordering the federal government to relocate from its provisional capital in Philadelphia to the newly established seat of power in Washington, D.C. This move was much more than a mere logistical shift; it was a monumental undertaking that would require meticulous planning, unprecedented coordination, and a deep

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Not a Surveyor

Hey Gang,

Wanted to start by wishing a Happy Suveyors Week to all of our hard working members out there here in the States and around the Globe. 

I have been working behind the scenes with Land Surveyors United for several years now and we have decided it is time for me to emerge from behind the curtain and start being a more active part of the site.  I look forward to getting to know you all in some way and am really excited about trying to share some content and bounce ideas off of all of you

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Survey Legend
As technology continues to advance, artificial intelligence (AI) has become more prevalent in various industries. However, the field of land surveying seems to be an exception in the AI world. Despite the crucial role that land surveyors play in the development and maintenance of our communities, AI seems to lack an understanding of what a land surveyor actually is.
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Land Surveyor
Indovance is experienced in all phases of design, drafting and modeling services. Our Architecture & BIM services help our clients visualize the actual project inside-out to give you a clear and concise picture. Indovance can support your team from concept to construction, to make sure nothing is overlooked.
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Survey Legend

Facebook May Be a Ticking Time Bomb for Land Surveyors

With everything that is happening with the big tech giants this week, a lot of people are thinking about the sustainability of platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp.  Quite a few that I have talked with are concerned not only with the future of their own personal data but also the questionable practices being used to monetize each and every aspect of our lives.  I just wanted to share with you just one conversation that I had today

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Land Surveying is For the Future World

Land surveying is a whole world in itself, which involves measuring and mapping the world around us using mathematics, advanced software, and equipment. Land surveyors are capable of calculating just about anything on the ground, in the sky, or at the bottom of the sea and it also includes polar ice caps.

Land surveyors are employed both in the office and in the field. They are capable of using the highest technology in the fields, such as high-order GPS and aerial and terrestrial scanners for ma

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GEO Ambassador
Breadcrumb Navigation throughout the community, making it simpler to navigate and  find your way back to where you started. Examples: Jobs,   Forums , Toolkits  , Articles Your Member Profile is much more organized and you'll find it much simpler to quickly add content to the community.  You'll also see that you can quickly find jobs, equipment deals and navigate to resources easier through your profile. New dedicated pages for those who are Seeking Employment and for those who are Now Hiring
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When it comes to maps, you must know that map-making is part art and part science. To turn maps into an effective communication tool, you need to reach your audiences. To reach your audiences, the map must present itself in a simple way that gives a sense of comfort and easement to the map users. There are many GIS Mapping Companies that can create sophisticated yet simple-to-visualize maps that are truly making an impact in the Cartography world.


What is the Need for Simplicity in Map Making? 9224173270?profile=RESIZE_584x


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Survey Legend
Land Surveyors discuss best total stations equipment to use for surveying

Best Total stations DiscussionWanna see the type of surveying equipment your fellow land surveyors are using around the world?  More specifically... would you like to know what kind of Total Stations everyone is using?  Take a look at the comments on the following thread for some very valuable insight from all corners of the earth.

We asked:

What is the best total station you used in the field up to now ? And why ? 
Please explain in few sentences from your experience

Click on the ^ Comments

Feel free to comment belo
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Survey Legend
For Those Who Are Still Seeking Employment If you are looking for a position in Land Surveying, things are getting a bit simpler for you inside the community.  All of the tools and resources have been gathered here for you in a single page for those seeking employment.  Visit that page to Create a Resume which goes straight to recruiters.   See the latest available Surveying Jobs.   Or if you are in the United States, simply upload and share your resume directly to our resume pool.
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Ogunniran Kayode Samsudeen and Justin White joined Land Surveyors United - Global Surveying Community
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40 minutes ago
Howard Szczech, PLS posted a discussion in Polish Land Surveyors
I'm looking to my family history and have a map from the Polish Archives would like to know what the numbers and such mean on this map.Looking for house numbers.See attachment for map. 56_126_0_-_0925M_7_33430558.jpg
18 hours ago
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Gigantic List of GIS Resources and Tools for Land Surveyors
Hello Land Surveyors United Community!
I hope this post finds you all in great spirits and busy with exciting projects. Today, I’m thrilled to share a treasure trove of GIS resources and…
The surveyor hub for GIS was featured
The surveyor hub for GIS was featured
christopher lucas posted a blog post
Sky-High Innovation: Drones Ushering in a New Era of Land Surveying
The advent of drones, or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), in land surveying represents a transformative shift in the surveying landscape, revolutionizing traditional methods and…