I do a lot of work down in Miami so one day I have my total station setup on the sidewalk on the return of a intersection.I have the truck parked ten feet away well some guy pulled up jumped out and took the eqiupment while I was standing right there.They got off with it but I got there plates number .Then yesterday Im doingĀ a jobĀ in Miami and some one took my gps while I was looking right at him .Everyone watch your equipment times are tough right now some the word is out to get survey equipmen
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The Technics Group is an amalgamation of Sitechnics (founded in 1989) and Subtechnics (founded in 1999) created by Graham Mills.Ā
TechnicsĀ covers a wide variety of sectors in land surveying and utility mapping. Mainly operating in the UK, the company have taken on projects as far a field as India and the Middle East. With our team of around 35 employees, Technics take on over 650 diverse projects a year.
OurĀ blogĀ is written at Technics HQ in Guildford, Surrey and isĀ used to document the companies
For all you Shonstedt subsurface instrument fans. See the fabulous terms and the SchonstedtWantedNSPS.pdfgraphic too!
Something for surveyors to think about: LIS: GIS' poor cousin?LIS_GISpoorCousin.pdf
Happy International Surveyors Week 2012
When IĀ startedĀ building Land Surveyors United back in 2007, I never imagined that this project could become so enlightening. Every single day that I wake up on this earth, I am greeted by passionate and driven land surveyors from virtually every location on earth, sharing their experiences and finding solutions to their problems on the network. Ā Together with RLS Scott Warner of Wisconsin, a set of dedicated calendar days have been determined which will fo
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Check out these highlights from Day 1 of this year's awesome event!!!
01:00 - Victor Rasgado, Senior Surveyor at Stantec Consulting Services
12:09 - Heath Huovinen, Land Surveyor at The Independent Hawaii SurveyorsĀ Ā
27:05 -ā¦
Moved this from a previous page.
Ok, so you're a professional land surveyor in the state of Arizona and you've of course joined the group. But have you found and 'liked' your professionalā¦