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Land Surveyor

Typical Surveyor's Report


Something Typical In Surveyor Reporting


I thought that some of you might gain some insight by examining a typical Surveyor's Report generated for a project I am working on.


I have altered the particulars so as to protect the innocent. This is a draft copy, I am still working on it.





Land Surveyor has been provided copies of several surveys of properties adjoining the subject tract as well as a copy of a survey performed on the subject tract. In this Land Surveyor’s opi

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Land Surveyor




“About Horses and Water”

Written by Penn Cheyning RPLS
(This story is completely fictional, any resemblance to actual events is purely a coincidence).

I received a phone call about a boundary dispute in an area of the city I know fairly well. I had not performed a survey in this particular subdivision but had surveyed other tracts of land in adjoining subdivisions many times. I was fairly certain it would not pose much of a challenge although the description was for a couple of Lots and a fr

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