I am a surveyor and I spent a lot of time to do surveys with my dad. Then I asked myself, why not speed things up? we have many daily electronic tools, why not use them?
That's why I decided to develop Surveyor calc.
Surveyor calc is an application designed to perform the max speed and productivity in the field of
It allows to calculate areas of a survey but also to create automatically a digital figure of the survey
to open in a CAD software.
Why this is a very useful app? This app is very useful because to do these things you need only a
smartphone. You can also:
- export your areas results from the construction site directly to the printer located in your office;
- export your digital figure in file text (so that you can also share it via email) to open with your
CAD software when you are in your office or home.
How does it work?
Surveyor calc works like a simple calculator.
In its three fields you have only to write the side of a triangle measured in
your survey. In future updates rectangles and trapezoids will be added.
“Results” will promt you to the summary page, “+” can be changed to “-“
if you want to add “negative” triangles and “←” is a “del button”.
There are only two things to remember:
- You have to write the triangles sides in the counterclockwise
- When adding a new triangle, always start to write the sides with
a side that is in common with a created triangle (if exists).
When you’ve finished to calculate triangles, you'll be promted to this page, where you will can:
- Share your results (for example you can print your areas results directly to the printer located in- Save the project;
your office);
- Export results, to create a txt file with area results;
- Export for CAD software, to create a txt file with all the commands to load in your CAD software;
- Delete a triangle that you don’t want to use.
Contacts and tutorial
Here is a complete PDF with an how-to-use the app: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6WwmXidoHmqNXZuMnR2eWpDdjg/view
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SurveyorCalc
App link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=appinventor.ai_barcaroandrea.Surveyor_calc
Hi, to devep Android apps Eclipse is the best environment tool :)
nice job welldone, how did you made this app ?
the concept of this was using matrix. .actually i'm using scientific calculator the same concept as you have on calculating triangles in a particular lot but it has limitations. .and using smartphone! ! it's awesome dude. . thanks for sharing
This looks absolutely AWESOME... thanks for sharing... i for one will give it a whirl!