Fellow "Survey the Earth in a Day" surveyors: When you pick points to log, consider going to Google Earth first, find a visible pin pointed intersection that you can see plainly from the aerial, then log it so that Google Earth can use our work to adjust their aerial photos to fit more precisely rather than our standard survey markers that are not visible on their photos. That way everyone benefits!!! Also submit all your logged "points" with all the data that can be used for the SAGES. Search on SAGES on Google for more info. Happy logging and do not wait for the "day", start planning and logging now with your Survey Accurate GPS units and show your work and submit it to landsurveyorsunited.com (LSU) and join the appropriate groups to help make this the best unified survey event ever!!!
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has anyone successfully loaded a current almanac onto a Leica GX1230 receiver. I have tried to force it to initilise via Config - satttelited - Shift F4 but no luck.
Hi - name is Andy, and whilst not (and never will be) a professional land surveyor, I have a significant interest in it, and strong background in maths / navigation / computing (e.g. programming and Excel).We have bought land in WA, near Oroville,…
Jul 30, 2025 at 10:00am to Jul 31, 2025 at 10:00am
5001 Coconut Rd, Bonita Springs, FL 34134