SURVEY CREW’S Land Monument Marks –Surveyor’s New Marking Paint Tired of wasting time and money because your marking paint have been erased and you could not find your PK station.
Have you been in the situation that you have to go back to farther stations in your traverse and redo work?
The most durable marking paints are too expensive and don’t even last more than a few weeks.
Have you ever needed to go back to the field to take data, and waste more time staking out stations than the time it takes you to do the actual recollection of data?
Survey Crew’s Land Monument Mark is guaranteed to last more than any marking paint (if installed properly)
Pre-fabricated Land Monument Mark comes in PK station triangle shapes and arrows.
Don’t waste money on metal detectors.
Survey Crew’s Land Monument Marks are more economic than having to buy marking paint every time you go to the same PK station and wasting time and money looking for stations in the field.
Paint cans don’t last as long. You have to paint over and over just to do the first marking so it could last just a few days.
Survey Crew’s Land Monument Marks are easy and fast to install.