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Hello everyone, I am facing one issue with the leveling. I did long static GNSS observations (10+ hours) for some points spacing around 10 km. After post-processing and adjusting the network I had the MSL heights using EGM2008, I planned to do…
Following the Sun: How Solstice Alignments Shaped Prehistoric Life
Introduction: When the Sun Dictated Life
Before clocks and calendars, there was the Sun. Its daily journey across the sky, its seasonal rise and fall on the horizon—these patterns…
Introduction: When the Sun Dictated Life
Before clocks and calendars, there was the Sun. Its daily journey across the sky, its seasonal rise and fall on the horizon—these patterns…
This was one for the ages as they say! The guys were joined this week by two heavyweights in the land survey world. Mike #1 is Mike Banta, PLS who has been surveying for nearly 40 years and is the Survey Manager at Rick Engineering Company. Mike…
Where Earth Meets Sky: The Origins of Celestial Alignment in Prehistoric Surveying
(Mapping the Heavens: How Celestial Alignment Shaped Prehistoric Surveying – Blog 1/5)
Introduction: When the Sky Became the First Surveyor
Long before compasses,…
(Mapping the Heavens: How Celestial Alignment Shaped Prehistoric Surveying – Blog 1/5)
Introduction: When the Sky Became the First Surveyor
Long before compasses,…
We have been using a Nikon NPL-362 for a year or so now and we found the manaul to be fairly criptic and didn't offer a lot of help. For data loading we just use Windows Hyperterminal, built into XP, to do the data transfers to and from the Nikon. I had some trouble using the Trimble software and Hyperterminal fairly straightforward to use. As long as you have the data in the "Nikon coordinare format" you will have no trouble. That fornat is PtNo, Nth, East, elev,text. If you contact me at [email protected] I will email you a pdf practice note that I prepared for this process. This note explains the data format and also has an appendix on setting up Hyperterminal.