No Land Surveyor Left Behind!
We are officially half way through January and we are making some headway with the new Roadmap and you can find a few new announcements about 3 new features added to the community this month under the January tab in the calender. You'll need to be logged in to view our Roadmap to the Future.
An enormous thanks goes out to those of you who have taken the time to read, digest and get on board with the new community Roadmap and especially those who have taken action and contributed their Member Dues for the year so that we might be able to soon afford the necessary Annual Subscriptions for the platform going forward. Everything is explained inside the Roadmap. Presently we still have quite a bit of crowdfunding to do before we are fully capable of funding our important next step, so if you have not yet reviewed the Roadmap for 2020, please do so because it is the most important step we can take as a community to make ourselves more sustainable and resiliant for the future surveyors of the world.
Be sure to also check out the Volunteers section of the Roadmap. We are about to cross 16,200 members and we need help managing various sections (Hubs) of the community, especially those which represent countries outside of the US. We need native speakers to administrate those hubs. If you are a student, retired surveyor or have some down time and would like to help with social aspects of the community, please reach out.
If you are a Vendor and would like to have your Marketplace hub set up for you for February, please get your request in soon so that you don't have to go on a waiting list. In February we begin our massive organization and promotion of those hubs. Thousands of visitors come to Land Surveyors United every month seeking products and services backed by vendors who are transparent and supportive inside the community. That is a mountain of traffic that we want to send your way. You don't want to miss out!
If you are a Recruiter, check out what we have done for you on the Jobs page, making it simpler to connect with qualified talent inside the community. If you are a surveyor Seeking employment, be sure to upload and embed your resume on your profile so that recruiters and employers can find you. It doesn't hurt to also have photos and discussions attached to your profile that show you are qualified to fill a position.
If you are an educator who would like to have your own Classroom Hub for holding both private and public facing discussions, share videos, photos, courses, etc. Be sure to let us know inside the roadmap and we'll get you set up. Having your own classroom inside the community allows for world class multi-media learning environment where ALL of your past present and future tools, presentations and learning material can be imported, embedded and distributed easily, while controlling the permissions and privacy throughout.
Last but certainly not least, Welcome to all of our newest members surveying land around the planet! We look forward to both learning from your experiences in surveying as well as sharing our expertise with you. We are Stronger Together and I am pleased that you have chosen to join us and help support the cause. Our community is about to turn 14 years old and there is a A LOT to explore inside the community. Much more to come.... stay safe out there!