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GEO Ambassador

How to Convert PDFs to Read On Your Data Collector

Convert manuals for reading in the field, surveyorsA few months back, I discovered something that could be extremely useful to the common land surveyor on the street (or in the woods)- another "Cool New Thing," if you will. What if I told you that there is a way for you to read PDF (Portable Document Format) documents on your data collector without having to load resource hogging software such as Adobe Reader and without having to visit your email to download attachments? Well, that is exactly what i figured! Using free software called eBooktoIm
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GEO Ambassador

Land Surveyors United Twitter Journal

Within the following pages you will find an archive of all tweets and shared items which have come out of the Land Surveyors United network over the past 8 months. You can find solutions to problems, meet other surveyors and research solutions to common problems in the field.

Follow Land Surveyors United on Twitter @landsurveyorsU

Introducing the Land Surveyors United Twoural:

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GEO Ambassador
featured surveyors
Below I have attached a digest of the latest surveying related articles, discussions, groups and photos on Land Surveyors United, for your downloading pleasure and for viewing offline.

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GEO Ambassador

Surveyors Job Board Comes to Land Surveyors United

Surveyors Job Board
There are more land surveyors out of work today than ever before-this is not news to any of you. But how are we dealing with it? Well,you asked for it and I created it...Introducing the official Land Surveyors United Job Board!

Here, surveying companies can post available jobs for land surveyors, party chiefs, rodmen, instrument men...any job which is surveying related for an ultra low $7 for 30 days! This is much lower than craigslist or any other classifieds website offering land surveying j
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GEO Ambassador

How To Create Effective Surveying How To Tutorials


Those new to the surveying industry most always need a little know-how and in efforts to support this need, LSU provides the absolute best and simple platform for publishing such How-To discussions and articles. So today let's talk about what an effective How-To tutorial contains. A 'How-To' tutorial is by far one of the most common post types used by almost every blogger, writer or expert online. Why? Because people search for answers when they don't have them already. Inherently, 'How-To' po

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GEO Ambassador

How Blogging is Like Land Surveying

I originally wrote this post on my father's blog back in June of 2008- now look and see how far we have come since then.

An update:
Through close to three years of experience creating LSU, I have come to understand how much blogging may not seem very useful to the common land surveyor. For that very reason, all blogs on LSU are referred to as "articles."Nevertheless, by now all of us have at least heard about what a blog is. Today I am going to explain to you how blogging is a lot like land sur
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GEO Ambassador

If Your Calculator Sucks, Try These


As surveyors, we all know when its time to get a new calculator...right about the time it starts to suck! I found these great calculator alternatives for use online (via). Try them out!

The Architect Calculator



For DIY, designers, contractors, estimators, and architects. Calculate lengths, areas, volumes, and hypotenuses, in Feet & Inches. Keyboard input with SmartDot: to enter 1'6 5/8", just type 1..6.5/8. The dot cycles through [dot] [ft mrk] [space] [inch mrk]. With very little practic

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GEO Ambassador
allegrocx.jpgThe upgrade for the older surveyors that used or still use the SDR33, the AllegroCX with SDR+, at 50% off
If you have ever ran the SDR33 data collector, and used the SDR Expert software then you can upgrade your system to have bluetooth, the ability to use one of the BEST data collectors available by Juniper Systems. The Allegro CX has all the upgrades as far as processingspeed, a full color touch screen monitor, wireless connection bluetooth, full
keypad, and known for it's rugged nature.PLUS wi
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GEO Ambassador

Field Assets Iphone App for Land Surveyors

Field Assets V2.0
View In iTunes
  • $16.99
  • Category: Utilities
  • Updated:Mar 23, 2010
  • Current Version:2.0
  • 2.0
  • 2.0 MB
  • Language:English
  • Seller:LBS Wireless Pty Ltd
Rated 4+


Field Assets is the ultimate field data collection application for the iPhone and iPod touch. The application enables the user to record the location of assets and to enter information on attributes of assets in the field. The user also has the option of taking geo referenced photos and recording voice memos

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GNSS Capability Under Heavy Foliage

GPS L1/L2 position fixing incapability under heavy foliage is a thing of the past with the advent of GPS L5. This is according to GPS/GNSS sales people. With my very limited knowledge in telecommunication, I shall say without any degree of certainty that this is not true.

To my opinion, the only advantage of GNSS over GPS is the speed of position fixing. This is I guess due to greater number of navigation systems and channels supported. Greater number of satellites, channels, and frequencies prov

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Land Survey Field Procedures

Just released - Survey Field Procedures vBook -

In this vBook there are training videos which provide instruction on theproper collection process for most software "field to finish"procedures. There is a searchable feature description library withimages and collection instructions along with information on basic FirstAid. Supporting files for survey controllers are also included. ThisvBook has also been optimized for use on a Mobile device such as a smartphone. Ask us about customizing this vBoo
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Direct IP with the Ashtech ProMark3

As you may know in 2008 I conducted research into developing a portable GNSS solution using the Magellan ( now Ashtech ) ProMark3 with Direct IP.
The full 105 page report is available on request.
Visit our Place a Post section on Global Surveyors
Promote your surveying business or product for FREE and request a copy of the report.
You can view a really short video showing the initialization procedure and how I got a fixed solution at 17km with Single Frequency!!!
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GEO Ambassador

How To: Make LSU a Desktop Application

Your Very Own Land Surveying Desktop
Here is a cool and quick time-saving tip for the surveyor on the run. If you are using Google Chrome (which you should be-hint hint), turn Land Surveyors United into a desktop application in 2 simple steps:

1) Load in your browser and Click on the wrench icon on the top right side of browser, hover over Tools
2) Click the option for Create Application Shortcut and press save and you're done!

land surveyors desktop application

Now all of the Land Surveyors Un
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GEO Ambassador

How To Use RSS on LSU

Surveying FeedsHere's a quick and dirty tutorial for how to use RSS feeds on Land Surveyors United to share discussions with one click. Do you have Gmail? (if not you can do this with any RSS reader). When you're logged into your gmail account, look up in the top left of page and you'll see Reader (you already have it if you have gmail). Google Reader allows you to subscribe to changes and updates on a website without actually visiting the site itself. All you have to do is "subscribe" to a website's feed (RSS
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GEO Ambassador

New Iphone Version of Land Surveyors United

Iphone App for LSUI hope you are all of you hard working surveyors are having a great Labor day weekend! How have I been spending mine? I've been developing an alternative version of Land Surveyors United for iphones and ipads.

Now, when you visit LSU from your iphone or android, you will be automatically be redirected to the Iphone application/ mobile version of the network. I suspect in the up and coming months, this will be a useful feature to the network as many surveyors are beginning to use iphones in the
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GoGeomatics Expo 2024 via GeoRadio- All Land Surveyor Podcasts in One

Check out this bonus episode promoting Canada's National GoGeomatics Expo 2024. Founded on the idea of community, the GoGeomatics Expo welcomes everyone that is leveraging geospatial data and technology. It is a gathering of thought-leaders,…

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Justin Farrow posted a photo in Survey Equipment Leasing
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Justin Farrow’s discussion was featured in Continuing Education
Continuing education (CE) is crucial for professional land surveyors to stay up-to-date with evolving technologies, legal standards, and industry best practices. However, not all surveyors learn in the same way. To maximize your learning, it’s…
David Dial and James Renfroe joined Land Surveyors United - Surveying Education Community
Student Surveyor Student Surveyor Not a Surveyor
Justin Farrow posted a discussion in Continuing Education
Continuing education is essential for professional land surveyors to remain competitive, up-to-date with the latest technologies, and compliant with industry regulations. However, simply engaging in coursework or attending seminars may not be enough…
Justin Farrow posted a discussion in Continuing Education
Continuing education (CE) is crucial for professional land surveyors to stay up-to-date with evolving technologies, legal standards, and industry best practices. However, not all surveyors learn in the same way. To maximize your learning, it’s…
Justin Farrow posted a discussion in Continuing Education
Continuing education (CE) is vital for professional land surveyors to remain competitive, stay updated with advancements, and maintain licensure. However, ensuring that the knowledge gained from CE is retained and applied effectively requires more…