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1198850657?profile=originalFor those of you who don't know me, I'm Ty Olinghouse  Many of you may know that I recently started working with Skip of Palmetto Equipment to help sell his existing equipment  and simultaneously I am working close with LSU Justin on many new and exciting features that we'll be rolling out in the coming days.

I have just received permission to reduce prices of everything in stock for Land Surveyors United Members by 15% or 20% on top of the already slashed prices. Visit our new store that we've b

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GEO Ambassador

ePalmetto Creates A Store Which Accepts Offers

New ePalmetto Store
A Surveyor-Centric Equipment Store which Accepts Offers
Many of you who have bought equipment from Palmetto Equipment and Supply in the past know that ePalmetto is no stranger to innovation in the surveying industry. They also happen to be completely comfortable putting themselves in the place of the everyday land surveyor. Times are is scarce and unlike many surveying equipment distributors, Skip would rather not constantly bombard you with shiny new e
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GEO Ambassador

New "Land Surveyors" Theme for Google Chrome Browsers

Are you using Google Chrome browser yet?  If not, you should be-especially if you have been using Internet Explorer browser which is being phased out of development.  If so, I have a gift for you today.  Behold I give you the first ever Google Chrome Browser theme for Land Surveyors.   


"Land Surveyor Theme" for Google Chrome

Made from a combination of traditional surveying related colors and a brilliant photo taken and submitted by a fellow Land Surveyors United member Domingo Palnac of Dubai

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GEO Ambassador

Why Won't State Boards Help Their Surveyors?


As the dedicated administrator of this site, I get a LOT of emails from surveyors who are desperately in need of solutions to problems which are MUCH larger than how to fix a piece of equipment.  Surveyors are having serious life problems related to their relationships with a state board and are losing not only everything they own in the material world, but more devastating they are losing who they are, who they thought they were and who they had always hoped to be.  Quite a few of you wonder (

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GEO Ambassador

Free Surveying Company Websites for Everyone! Go Wild!

Update: Find the newest Land Surveying Company Template here

UPDATE 2:  Hire to build you a professional website for your surveying company for as low as $500

Mention this post for $200 discount on services..


Free Surveying Company Website Site Template

Every land surveying company needs a website right?  Economic times are tough all over, so many surveying companies are struggling just to stay afloat, right?  Well I have thought long and hard about this and came up with a free solut

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GEO Ambassador

Iphone App: Surveyors Leveling Tool


Surveyors Leveling Tool for Iphone

Surveyors Leveling Tool for iphone

If you happen to be one of those tech-savvy surveyors out there who head into the field armed with an iphone, I have new app to tell you about.  We've touched on  the near future release of a full blown mobile iphone version of Land Surveyors United before and even told you about several othersurveying related apps, but this one is exceptional.  It's called Surveyor's Leveling Tool and it could come in handy in the surveying field (provided you carry an iph

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Government Professional

What is Happening to our Profession?

Hello everyone! I pose this question to you... What is happening to our profession? Yesterday, I was riding to a project site making conversation with one of my younger co-workers, and I asked him if he enjoyed surveying. The response I got made me physically ill. He quickly responded by saying, "No, I hate it. Surveying is a dead-end job." I was stunned! So I asked him why he felt that way. He proceeded to tell me that when he started working in the surveying field, he wanted to learn any and e

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Land Surveyor

Often a Title Insurance firm will make an offer to the concerned parties to hire a Land Surveyor to produce a Land Survey for their real estate transaction.


The agreements between the Title Insurance firm and the Land Surveyor often are made with the understanding that the Land Surveyor will continue to get work orders from the Title Insurance firm if they will not be paid for the Land Survey if the 1198849439?profile=originaltransaction does not close, the Land Surveyor will produce the Land Survey at an artificially low

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Land Surveyor





The theory behind surveying practice has never been the notion of the surveyor. It is rooted in a far older idea shaped by the sovereign that all land was held under. Physically and literally defending the land is where rights to land emanated from.

We have gradually tried to tame physical force with law to give a veneer of civility to our society, however the absoluteness of physical possession remain as a basis for the ultimate claim to land. This principle is reflected in modern real pr

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GEO Ambassador

Backsite 2010 and Traverse 2011


This is a recap on the message that I sent to everyone earlier today.  Because of harsh weather in many parts of the country and many surveyors switching companies or losing their previous email accounts altogether, I figured I should post this here for you to see.

First, I wish you all a happy new year and chose to purposely wait a few days into the year to send you this wish, as it is genuine.  Last year was the toughest that many can remember ever living through in their lives, including my

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GEO Ambassador

On Being a News Maker

Surveying is not dead and you are the proof.

1198849519?profile=originalI happen to believe that surveyors need to know what is going on in the minds of other surveyors.  For far too long, the media and publications surrounding surveying (although not all intentionally) have done a great disservice to the everyday surveyor by placing everyone at opposite ends of the field. One day I just decided that this could not continue. I became hellbent on the idea that if we restructured the agenda of support and open the channels

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GEO Ambassador

When We Are All Dead

When We Are All Dead...will Surveying be with us?

1198849426?profile=originalWhen we are all long gone from this earthly plain, there will still be droves of ambitious new surveyors entering the industry, many without even the slightest clue about the origin of ideas, reasoning behind practice or history of method. Those surveyors will most likely find themselves Googling their questions and concerns only to find your brilliant solution on our network, having been answered years before by some dead guy who really knew wha

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I Am Going To Tell You How to Future-Proof Your Surveying Business
If you have, you are among the whopping 3% of business owners in the world who has claimed their business on the Google maps and in Google Local Search. Just run a quick search for Land Surveyors in your local area and see where you fall in the search results. If you haven't yet claimed your business you will be missing out on a LOT of business over the next 24 months. I want to help you out with making this claim if you haven't y

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GEO Ambassador

How to Convert PDFs to Read On Your Data Collector

Convert manuals for reading in the field, surveyorsA few months back, I discovered something that could be extremely useful to the common land surveyor on the street (or in the woods)- another "Cool New Thing," if you will. What if I told you that there is a way for you to read PDF (Portable Document Format) documents on your data collector without having to load resource hogging software such as Adobe Reader and without having to visit your email to download attachments? Well, that is exactly what i figured! Using free software called eBooktoIm
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GEO Ambassador

Land Surveyors United Twitter Journal

Within the following pages you will find an archive of all tweets and shared items which have come out of the Land Surveyors United network over the past 8 months. You can find solutions to problems, meet other surveyors and research solutions to common problems in the field.

Follow Land Surveyors United on Twitter @landsurveyorsU

Introducing the Land Surveyors United Twoural:

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GEO Ambassador
featured surveyors
Below I have attached a digest of the latest surveying related articles, discussions, groups and photos on Land Surveyors United, for your downloading pleasure and for viewing offline.

Latest in Featured Surveying Articles

Latest in Featured Surveying Discussions on LSU

Latest in Featured Surveying Groups on LSU

Latest in Featured Surveying Photos on LSU
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GEO Ambassador

Surveyors Job Board Comes to Land Surveyors United

Surveyors Job Board
There are more land surveyors out of work today than ever before-this is not news to any of you. But how are we dealing with it? Well,you asked for it and I created it...Introducing the official Land Surveyors United Job Board!

Here, surveying companies can post available jobs for land surveyors, party chiefs, rodmen, instrument men...any job which is surveying related for an ultra low $7 for 30 days! This is much lower than craigslist or any other classifieds website offering land surveying j
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GEO Ambassador

How To Create Effective Surveying How To Tutorials


Those new to the surveying industry most always need a little know-how and in efforts to support this need, LSU provides the absolute best and simple platform for publishing such How-To discussions and articles. So today let's talk about what an effective How-To tutorial contains. A 'How-To' tutorial is by far one of the most common post types used by almost every blogger, writer or expert online. Why? Because people search for answers when they don't have them already. Inherently, 'How-To' po

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