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Land Surveyor

Hi Yall, I'm doing a surveying presentation at my sons school .. What are some good questions that i can keep them involved with? I have a short video and slide show for them , i am going to run through a digital level and the gun along with pipe locator out in the campus but i will be doing 3, 45 min presentations and need to keep 3-6 graders occupied :) TYIA


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Student Surveyor

Hi Everyone,

I completed a Stockpile Volume Survey about a month or so ago and I thought I'd also make a 3d model that would be viewable, both online, but also in VR.

It can be viewed in VR most smartphones if you use cheap eg. $20 goggles, or with an Occulus Go headset.

Check it out and let me know your thoughts or any questions.

Kind regards,

James Wallace

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Survey Legend

Yesterday, we got our first batch of Land Surveyors United Polo shirts and they are SO AWESOME!  Big Thanks to our partners at Patricks Florida for providing such awesome service!

Land Surveyors United Polos

We shared this photo on our facebook page and everyone seems to want one so we have made arrangements for you to be able to order your own in an assortment of colors.   If you don't see the color you need in the order form below, please tell us.

We have a way created 2 ways to get your Official Land Surveyors Unite

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GEO Ambassador

Education both on and off the field is an integral part of being a land surveyor- you can't stop learning.  Everyday presents a new opportunity to both share your experiences and learn from examples left by others -become better surveyors, together.  We hope the next generation will improve the surveying profession but first we must help them understand what it is and its history.  Technical training and Scholarships might just be the key to gaining the attention of the next generation. We'll se

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Abdul kabeer Kalladi and Justin Farrow are now connected
Survey Legend
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christopher lucas posted a blog post
The First Ascent of Denali: A Surveying and Mapping Perspective
On June 7, 1913, Hudson Stuck, an Alaskan missionary and seasoned amateur mountaineer, etched his name into the annals of exploration history by leading the first successful expedition…
3 hours ago
Ogunniran Kayode Samsudeen and Justin White joined Land Surveyors United - Global Surveying Community
Land Surveyor Not a Surveyor
Howard Szczech, PLS posted a discussion in Polish Land Surveyors
I'm looking to my family history and have a map from the Polish Archives would like to know what the numbers and such mean on this map.Looking for house numbers.See attachment for map. 56_126_0_-_0925M_7_33430558.jpg
Charles Mukuna is now a member of Land Surveyors United - Global Surveying Community
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Survey Legend
Justin Farrow posted a discussion in GIS
Gigantic List of GIS Resources and Tools for Land Surveyors
Hello Land Surveyors United Community!
I hope this post finds you all in great spirits and busy with exciting projects. Today, I’m thrilled to share a treasure trove of GIS resources and…