Land Surveying Career & Student Resources

With the job market the way it has been lately, I receive many inquiries into how someone can get a new career, in particular many have looked into land surveying as a great career choice. One of the neatest things about pursuing a career in land surveying is that there are many great lifelong careers that someone can have in the industry with only a high school diploma, technical degree, or a college degree.Here at SurvTech most of our employees are college graduates, with a variety of degrees. The surveying industry allows for many specialized individuals to work within the field. Everyone from environmental to computer specialist can find a rewarding professional environment in land surveying.So why am I so on fire about surveying? Am I not "the marketing guy"? LOL, while that is true, I wasn't always the marketing guy, I started just like everyone else started, out in the field, as a rodman, lowest guy on the totem pole. I think it's needed for everyone to have the proper perspective of what they're doing and where they work.One of the many things that makes SurvTech so great is that everyone has field experience, this increases efficiency and communication between the field staff and office staff. I can't tell you how much easier it was to draft a project when I knew exactly what I was looking at because I too had been in the field for similar projects.So I wanted to create a site to help people who were interested in land surveying. The site has links to the very best surveying schools in the United States, as well as, many great facts and benefits about the surveying profession. Included in the site are links to major professional organizations, who in their own right, have a multitude of valuable and useful links.In addition, I've also included my Land Surveying for Kids Coloring Book and also made a cool narrated video of that book. While these are meant for grade school children, they are also great starting points for anyone wanting to learn more about land and hydrographic surveying. I hope this information can be assistance to people, even if you aren't interested in a career, it's always fun to learn about the workings of related industries.As always, if I can ever answer any questions about land surveying or help you with projects you have, feel free to contact me at anytime.Best Regards,W. Dwight HatfieldMarketing DirectorSurvTech Solutions Surveying & Mapping Tampa, Florida
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