Construction in Infographics
Over the past couple of years, infographics have become a powerful method of visual story-telling on the web. Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly. They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends. The process of creating infographics can be referred to as data visualization, information design, or information architecture. Below you will find a roundup of construction-related infographics that tell important stories.
Social Media in Construction
In September 2012, the Construction Marketing Association conducted a national survey of construction professionals regarding their use of social media. The results are presented here in infographic form.
World Building- Global Infrastructure Development
A snapshot of infrastructure construction in ten major global economies, as measured by absolute capacity, per capita capacity and growth over a ten year period. The six categories covered are airports, rail, road, refining, power and internet.
The Road of the Future
Asphalt concrete roads are slowly being replaced by more environmentally friendly options, such as Eco-Pave, which is organic resin based. Another option road surface manufacturers are considering is the use of recycled plastics in road construction. The Road of the Future infographic outlines other technologies that could be available within the next 10 years.
Superhero VS Contractor
Contractors are seen as Villains by the general public. Sometimes perception is reality, but we think just like superheroes they're misunderstood...
8 Danger Injuries of a Construction Site
Construction comes up with a lot of hazards and dangers. To avoid and minimize these dangers it is recommended to follow OSHA regulations. But unfortunately despite all the risks, these regulations are not always followed completely or strictly, which results in the form of industrial accidents or even casualties. Lets us analyze the few most common industrial injuries involved with the construction.
Construction BOOM
The Australian resources industry is currently experiencing unprecedented growth with more than 98 projects in the advanced stages of development. This infographic examines where the projects are being conducted, what skills are needed and what sectors are requiring the most attention.
If you have come across any interesting information graphics that you'd like to share with the network, please feel free to embed them in the comments below and by all means, tell us what you think about these above!
Here is an interesting infographic about the evolution of Road Construction
Source: via Tracy on Pinterest
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