Party Chief
Ok Surveyors-here are a few tips that I've come across for staying cool in the heat, healing bug bites and avoiding deadly sunburn while you're out surveying.

Build a DIY Electronic Sunburn Alarm

This video explains how to build the actual sunburn alarm:

Build a Sunburn Alarm - More DIY How To Projects

We all know how hard it can to be to get any work done in the sun. That's why a tireless piece of science,such as realtime UV exposure alarm, is a better companion on the jobsite than an umbrella.

This DIY project uses an inverted light-emitting diode as a light sensor, based on the exact same technology that remote control manufacturers use to determine when to turn on internal lights. Yes, it's a geeky electronic project, for certain, and requires buying some obscure parts and assembling them in pro-am fashion, but when it's built, "Mr. Surveyor"  will be pretty damn cool. Set it to match your skin tone, put it in the same sun you're in, and, using World Health Organization standards, the device will alert you when you're approaching the UV danger zone.

Build a Sunburn Alarm [Instructables] [via Lifehacker]

Most surveyors have probably heard somewhere that you can pour water over your wrists or neck to cool off quickly, but we've got the
 lowdown on all the body's best cooling spots, as well as the most effective ways to use them.

Get Acquainted With Your Body's Pulse Points

The reason this remedy works is because your wrist and neck both containpulse points—essentially, areas where you can feel your pulse because your blood vessels are close to the surface of your skin. Because they are so close, however, you can also cool off your blood and body temperature by getting the area in contact with cool water.

However, your neck and wrists are not the only pulse points on your body (though your neck is arguably one of the most effective). The insides of your elbows and knees are two other common pressure points, as well as the tops of your feet and insides of your ankle (near the area where your ankle bone sticks out). There's also a pulse point on your inner thighs. And, while the forehead is commonly used as a cooling spot, the pulse point on your head is actually closer to your temple and the area just in front of your ear. There are a few more, of course, but these are the most convenient for the purpose of cooling yourself.

Read the Full Post via Lifehacker

Relieve The Sting from Bug Bites Using Alka-Seltzer

PLOP PLOP FIZZ FIZZ.... DIY Life suggests dropping two Alka-Seltzer tablets into warm water. Soak a cotton ball in it, and then apply it your bite for 30 minutes. (You should not use this trick if you are allergic to aspirin.) Alka-Seltzer contains sodium bicarbonate, an active ingredient in baking soda, which helps relieve the nasty itch.  This is a quick and portable method for taking care of bites in the field, and it can go right in the First Aid kit in your work truck.

A few other suggestions:  If that doesn't relieve your itch, try applying nail polish or just applying some good ol' Bengay on the bite. Got any interesting tricks to relieve those itchy bug bites? Let us know how you deal with the nuisances of hot land surveying summer below.

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