[NEW] AutoCAD Civil 3D Survey Field to Finish Webinar Dec. 29, 2016

Register: Click Here
When: December 29, 2016 1PM-4PM (EST)
Where: Online (Watch Live or Recorded Webinar Later)
Cost: $297 Regular Price+processing fee
By: Eric Colburn, Professional Land Surveyor and Geo-Business Innovator

AutoCAD Civil 3D Survey Field to Finish Webinar Description

In this comprehensive webinar for land surveyors and designers you will see and learn how to setup and use AutoCAD Civil 3D as a Field to Finish solution.

Professional land surveyor and geo-business innovator Eric Colburn has extensive experience in using AutoCAD Civil 3D since it was first released in 2004 and he has been training land surveyors, engineers and designers to use and leverage AutoCAD Civil 3D to their improve their work and business bottom lines since 2008.

This is specifically what you will learn in this must see webinar:

  • What setup you need to make AutoCAD Civil 3D work as a Field to Finish workhorse (you'll learn which styles, codes and description key file setup for all the AutoCAD Civil 3D objects used in this webinar).
  • Managing and editing typical survey data (creating, editing and importing .fbk files and point files)
  • Working with and leveraging the Survey Database features
  • Creating automated line work from your field work
  • Working with and creating Figures (both automated and manual)
  • Traverse Balance and Adjustment (Compass and Least Squares Adjustment)
  • Working with Points (Point Styles, Point Label Styles, Point Groups) from worksheet to finished plan
  • Creating an Alignment for an existing highway line and easily add station and offset labels
  • Parcel creation and adding Parcel Labels in a highly automated way (incl. bearings, distances and parcel area)
  • Surface creation, edits, contours and contour labels (and how to automate the surface creation process)
  • Adding miscellaneous labels and notes
  • Making your survey drawing plan ready

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