Today, LSU Justin added something to the network (down in the Surveyor Apps bar on site) which may seriously change the game a little bit. It is a Virtual Surveyors Conference/ Chat Room that can be used anytime for discussing anything you like with your friends and associates here on Land Surveyors United.
How Does the Surveyors Conference Chat Room Work?
Basically, the more connections (friend/associates) you have on Land Surveyors United, the more people you will have available to chat with in this room. When yo log in, you'll see a little red number, which indicates the number of friends you have online at the same time as you. If you're seeing very low numbers, it means you need to ask some of your fellow land surveyors here on the network to be your friend. It's as simple as that.
How to Find Other Surveyors You Know on LSU
The easiest way to find friends on LSU is to simply head over to the Recruit page and import your contacts from your email address (which we do not store) and it will instantly search the network for other surveyors you already know. Another simple way to do this is to go to the groups page and join the support group for your location, which will have other surveyors from your area. If there are not a lot of surveyors already in that group, simply invite some that you know. In the near future, these local groups are gonna become a BIG DEAL around the network.
Enjoy experimenting with the new Virtual Surveyors Conference room and let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions, please send LSU Justin a message.
AWESOME ! Thanks for posting this. NOTE: THIS Surveying Conference Room ONLY WORKS INSIDE THE NETWORK ~ NOT on the Front page.
And it's about to get much better as I will be adding Live Video Conferencing within the week...stay tuned...have fun surveyors!