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Some of Our Newest Clients

In the last two weeks we've started helping a couple more of our land surveyor friends with online marketing their services. They are:

Brian Souva, PLS at Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc. - Brian is a licensed surveyor in Tennessee, and a few other states. Brian's office in Knoxville is focused on ALTA Surveys, Topographic Surveying, Land Development Surveying, and just about anything related to surveying. The company also has drone surveying and laser scanning capabilities.0?e=1587600000&v=beta&t=6UV9AmdRcwjbEik6W1xoasDGwR7T-iuXAPh9j7MJmxQ&profile=RESIZE_180x180

Mark Smith, PLS is also with Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc. - Mark is a licensed surveyor in Ohio and Kentucky. Mark's land surveying office is in Columbus but they work all over the state of Ohio doing ALTA Surveys, Land Development Surveys, Engineering Surveys for all types of commercial development projects.0?e=1587600000&v=beta&t=5mCdTS_k0zXX9rXbf1nI_GQQWojFfyL7oVlNiuLSQsg&profile=RESIZE_180x180

Casey Lynch, PLS is the owner of Rancho Land Surveying in Ramona, California. We'are helping Casey with getting more calls for ALTA surveys in the San Diego CA area. Casey throws the kitchen sink at any ALTA surveys he completes in California or Nevada. He uses a drone to caputure aerial images and uses 3D laser scanning to locate improvements. He ends up with a really nice product.0?e=1587600000&v=beta&t=mNIJy6Er9jg7wOSJfkELHpOaYNN44Siv3_Cw4Z3V718&profile=RESIZE_180x180

Let us know if we can help you with any of your online marketing. If you're not ranked on the front page of Google, you're just not in business locally.


J. Keith Maxwell, PE, PLS

Pro17 Engineering





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