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Import Your Youtube Playlists Into Hubs

Our new modular layouts in Hubs bring many mind blowing abilities which can strengthen the community and by importing your social media efforts from other channels, all of your work can be placed in a central place.  

As you may already know, Hubs have a page feature called "Social Channel" (example 1, example 2 inside hub) which allows a Hub Leader to import an entire Youtube or Vimeo Channel with a single click.  However, there may be times when you just want to show a curated playlist instead of your own uploaded videos.  In this case, I have created a quick workaround.

Example of How to Embed a Youtube Playlists

If you'd like to see what a youtube embedded playlist looks like, try one of your playlists here.

How to Find Your Playlists

how to embed Youtube Playlists
Go to your Youtube Channel and look in top left of screen for the button called Playlists.

how to find your Youtube Playlists
Choose one of your playlists and copy the URL in the address bar. Plug it into the Playlist Tester here.

Once you have tested your Youtube Playlist and would like to add it to one or more of your hub pages, send me a message including the playlist URL and where you would like to add it (which hub page) and I'll plug it in for you.

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We are committed to allowing freedom of expression for all of our members, and that includes maintaining a safe space for people with opposing views to express themselves. We get posts from all over the country and even the globe, so needless to say, people come with different viewpoints on lad surveying practices and processes. We see this diversity and variety as a real strength-- dialogue and debate are an integral part of the educational process, as well as an important tool in exploring different sides of complex issues.

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