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Land Surveyor

Outsourcing Land Survey Drafting Services can prove to be extremely beneficial with a significant reduction in cost, access to skilled and experienced resources equipped with the latest tools, and competitive with quick TAT (Turnaround time).

Lately, several Land Surveying Firms are exploring new ways to maximize profit by reducing their CAD overheads by Outsourcing their survey drafting needs to a specialized CAD partner. As Land Survey is mostly seasonal, companies are looking to make more ROI by outsourcing the services which are mostly repetitive and need to be done quickly. This also gives them ample time to focus on their main business activities.

Here are Few advantages associated with Outsourcing:

  • Cost-Efficient, helps you save a big chunk on your CAD overheads
  • Access to skilled and experienced resources
  • Access to so Land Survey Drafting Services software expertise at Zero Setup Cost
  • Flexible, Scalable, and Hassle-Free with no hiring and training of resources required
  • Competitive Advantage with Overnight TAT (Turnaround time). Taking advantage of the geographical time difference for a 24-hr. work cycle
  • Focus on your Core Competency rather than the repetitive work

Small firms are always advised to choose Outsourcing for cost-saving and better resource management, hire a full-time dedicated CAD drafter and focus on your core activity of surveying.

For Mid-Size can firms Scalability can be a boon of Outsourcing. Scale up or down in a jiffy as per your project requirements with no hassle of recruitment and training. 

For a Large firm, outsourcing is more of a strategic alliance with a CAD partner to cut on cost and stay one step ahead in this competitive market.

I would highly recommend INDOVANCE Inc for Outsourcing your Survey drafting requirements as they sincerely understand how survey drafts are a critical part of civil project development, and they do it with precision and skill. They work on all sorts of surveys, be it boundary survey, topographic survey, ALTA survey, route survey, telecom survey, control survey or permit survey. If you are looking for point cloud modeling (LiDAR) for mapping/modeling terrestrial areas and corridors, they can definitely support you. A trusted, experienced, and specialized CAD partner who has been catering to the needs of the AEC industry since 2003 and delivering excellent service and value to its partners.

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