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Land Surveyor

I tried many times to make a check between the setting out or topo of 3 points using the GRID  & GROUND coordinates values of my control points. I got a difference of 12 mm in the coordinates. the control checks were fine when I was using the GRID values with the scale factor and with the GROUND the results were excellent. My total station was calibrated well and I measured the temperature and the pressure well. any feedback or help??

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  • Land Surveyor

    you can use the Combination S.Factor to determine the difference between the grid and ground coordinates instead of using the Scale factor as it's used to defines the difference in distance between two points on the grid plane and geodetic plan (the ellipsoid) .

    • Land Surveyor

      I'm working in a small area. So I don't need to use the CSF.

      Their is no much differences in the elevation of my area. Max 0.5 m.

      Then the challenge was to stake two points with the ground coordinates with scale factor 1 and compare it with the stake of the same points using the grid values with calculated scale.

      My total station was calibrated 2 days ago and everything was good with no problems.

      I'm using a robotic total station and with ground coordinates I haven't got any problems .

      • Land Surveyor

        This may be a stupid question, but did you really expect them to be exactly the same?...

    • Land Surveyor

      I would start with checking the prism constant and verifying your poles are plumb.

      • Land Surveyor

        Certainly I'm sure of the prism constant and I checked the pole and the plumb both on site and with the agent.

        I'm doing work all the time with this prism and I'm checking the prism with my control points too. No problem recorded.

        Also I verify the measurement with two different prisms with a different constants  

  • Land Surveyor


    What are distance between control points? 

    • Land Surveyor

      175m in max ..

      • Hi Nasr Bilal,

        I hope your GRID  to GROUND coordinates and conversions resolved?.

        The difference of 12 mm in the coordinates would certainly reflect you plane traverse accuracy determined by the Total Station Instrument Type accuracy? Is it a 1" instrument?.

        Using a GPS common control point scale factors (Block Shift) GRID- GROUND- GRID should be 1.000?????? and the reverse value 0.999?????? to achieve +/-mm results.

        Confirm this calculations procedure applied?

  • Land Surveyor's depend distance of between control points.Scale factor.and coordinate system

    • Land Surveyor

      The max distance was 175m.

      I calculated the scale and it works pretty good when I staked the rest of the control points as a check

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