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Land Surveyor

Hello everyone,

I work for a software company and can support our survey community friends all over. Please post any issue or calculations as required. We can develop them for you at free of cost. Also we have a very nice collection of lisp functions which are really helpful for surveyors. you all can visit our website as in the link below.

tag line:bringing survey community together

as a sample I am attaching the spread sheet for correction of a closed traverse using bowditch rule.

With warm regards

A Murali babu

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  • Land Surveyor

    Hello Mr.Murali thank you very much can you provide to spot grid level tto autocad in bathymetric formate

    like the image attached and coloured according to elevation range

    • Land Surveyor

      Dear Raymond,

      Sorry for late reply, 

      In India its festival season, and are back to office only today. I can solve your problem for sure.

      Just little more information required. whether these spot levels are having their poistions w.r.t easting and northing? do you want to specify a range or different colours  for different values.


      A Murali babu

      • Land Surveyor

        yes sir the spot levels are in csv formate with point id xyz comma delimited ,we need to plot it in autocad with different color range according to the elevation change ,I am attached here with an example  please check it , csv is the example of data file and cad image is the example of how to plot in cad, and while ploting the elevation are rounded to one decimal point the fraction point is slightly lower than the integer as shown in the cad image . thank you sir can u provide your mail id mine is [email protected]

  • Land Surveyor
    Easygps its Free adn exelent
    Ferst download usb drivers from Garmin webs site
  • Survey Legend

    Very helpful and thank you for sharing.  Would you like to set up your own group on the site so that we can keep track of the solutions you provide?

    • Land Surveyor

      Dear Survenator,

      I am new to this and finding difficult to create a group, just guide me how to create a group here, will do it .


      A Murali babu

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